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Astra Zeneca is moving from Cheshire to Cambridge

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Northern universities and their 'ecosystems' (support, business interface, incubators, etc) should have got their proverbial a55 in gear years ago.


A-Z are moving closer to the hotbed of biotech R&D & IP generation which Cambridge has now become. Other big and not so big pharma will follow, as will materials science and electronics (already under way, in case you did not know).


You can blame Northern Unis' attitude to intellectual property for that, in (good) part. The stories I could tell you...:rolleyes:

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AZ has invested, along with GSK and others, in the Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research.http://www.mccir.ls.manchester.ac.uk


Manchester also invests in commercialisation through the science park who have just announced they are buying Alderley Park.


Linked to the Manchester airport city development, http://www.airportcity.co.uk there are also a plan for Manchester medipark. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/business/business-news/medical-park-in-wythenshawe-perfect-prescription-699128


AZ relocation to Cambridge is more based around government policy and cost savings (the head office is also relocating and the govt policy is to concentrate tech in the south east triangle https://www.gov.uk/government/news/tech-connected).

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