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Boris Johnson's sister begs on the street to buy mince.

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In advance of this programme being aired I read an interview with Rachel Johnson who said that doing this programme completely changed her attitudes to poverty.


She said before she took part she couldn't understand why those with very little money ate so badly (i.e go to chip shop, eat crisps etc) when you could make fresh meals every day. What she said since was that that because she had no experience of poverty, she underestimated, or didn't even think about the psychological impact of having very little money and how that influences people's choices.


I wonder if that's something that those who come on here and castigate the poor ever think about?


Agree. People might object to this sort of programme but it gets the issues discussed and it changes some attitudes.

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I am a member of the Conservative party. It is the states responsibility, and has always been Tory policy, throughout the 20th century, to ensure there is a safety net below which no citizen should fall.


The financial disaster labour lead us into, is being addressed, millionaires abound, London is thronged with the very rich from all over the world. We are a rich country.


No one should be allowed to starve, no child should go without a meal. EVER.

That is genuine right wing politics, not the tommy tough tripe some of you churn out.


First, it was the bankers who caused this financial crisis.


Second point: Try telling that to the people who have fallen foul of the bedroom tax, or had their benefits sanctioned for no good reason.


You'll be telling us 'we're all in this together' next....

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It is truly shameful that anyone in the UK goes hungry. Welfare should cease to be a political football. It should be administered by an independent authority with no political pressure.


People must eat, be educated, and must work if they are able to do so, welfare should be available at times of illness, unemployment or other similar circumstance. No one should starve.


It is not all about education. This is BS. What most people do not realise is that, when you are on the treadmill, then all is fine, but when you are not, or have been pushed downwards, and to be squeezed to stay there, then this is whereby you will possibly be bullied to stay there too. It is rare for anyone to want to go down there and to give up.




Could not make this up ? Oh yes, you could. I also have never claimed benefits either, and I too am starting to find myself trapped in that niche little grey area of "chance", or "timing".


It is not all about the politics, or that the welfare state is actually working efficiently. The welfare state is almost in its own silo, and is independent from the commercial world. It is funny, and maybe I am sure that these tv shows enable these celebrity businessmen to gain more exposure and earn a higher turnover themselves doing these kind of shows, than to enable them to provide work for others. Those who provide work opportunities for others, as well as themselves are truly decent beings. Those who actually just make money themselves, and not giving others work are truly quite idiotic. As they have the priorities wrong in their lives. They are too selfish.


---------- Post added 13-03-2014 at 20:47 ----------


First, it was the bankers who caused this financial crisis.


Second point: Try telling that to the people who have fallen foul of the bedroom tax, or had their benefits sanctioned for no good reason.


You'll be telling us 'we're all in this together' next....


It is not just the bankers who caused this current economic crisis. Yes, the banking industry is causing issues, but then the Labour Republica of Sheffield also caused a lot of havoc too by remaining at such a low level of economic return. We never progressed like other countries did and enable the welfare state to be credible. Look at Sweden. Why are people living healthily and actually have a higher quality of life overall and that they have many more global companies and automation but their population are educated to run these global companies from Sweden as a HQ ???


People complain about the fact that they won the war, and so forth and so forth, but then they rejected the expansion and be swept by the increasing commercial world. In Europe, individuals are not worried about opening and collapsing a company. It is fairly easy to do so. It is also a part of life too. Especially if there is no demand for that market. Whereas in the UK, and especially on this forum alone, read how many complain about so many things and they just demand, without realising who are their local companies, and how many there are and if there is a suppl, or a demand. People live and think in a SILO way too and think for themselves and live for themselves, rather than generating businesses which caters for people. Do you noticed this ? No customers mean no business. Rude or not rude, people are quite unrealistic at times.

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It is not all about education. This is BS. What most people do not realise is that, when you are on the treadmill, then all is fine, but when you are not, or have been pushed downwards, and to be squeezed to stay there, then this is whereby you will possibly be bullied to stay there too. It is rare for anyone to want to go down there and to give up.




Could not make this up ? Oh yes, you could. I also have never claimed benefits either, and I too am starting to find myself trapped in that niche little grey area of "chance", or "timing".


It is not all about the politics, or that the welfare state is actually working efficiently. The welfare state is almost in its own silo, and is independent from the commercial world. It is funny, and maybe I am sure that these tv shows enable these celebrity businessmen to gain more exposure and earn a higher turnover themselves doing these kind of shows, than to enable them to provide work for others. Those who provide work opportunities for others, as well as themselves are truly decent beings. Those who actually just make money themselves, and not giving others work are truly quite idiotic. As they have the priorities wrong in their lives. They are too selfish.


---------- Post added 13-03-2014 at 20:47 ----------



It is not the bankers who caused this crisis. YEs, the banking industry is causing issues, but then the Labour Republica of Sheffield also caused a lot of havoc too by remaining at such a low level of economic return. We never progressed like other countries did and enable the welfare state to be credible. Look at Sweden. Why are people living healthily and actually have a higher quality of life overall and that they have many more global companies and automation but their population are educated to run these global companies from Sweden as a HQ ???


People complain about the fact that they won the war, and so forth and so forth, but then they rejected the expansion and be swept by the increasing commercial world. In Europe, individuals are not worried about opening and collapsing a company. It is fairly easy to do so. It is also a part of life too. Especially if there is no demand for that market. Whereas in the UK, and especially on this forum alone, read how many complain about so many things and they just demand, without realising who are their local companies, and how many there are and if there is a suppl, or a demand. People live and think in a SILO way too and think for themselves and live for themselves, rather than generating businesses which caters for people. Do you noticed this ? No customers mean no business. Rude or not rude, people are quite unrealistic at times.


I disagree with your point that the welfare state operates independent of the commercial world.

Firstly look at all those 'contracted out' companies (Serco, Capita, G4S) etc that do very nicely thank you from securing juicy government contracts delivering parts of the welfare state (often at substandard. levels).

Secondly, many people in poverty are in work already. That is, the taxpayer is subsidising poverty pay employers. Some of whom are large multinational companies.

I don't think the political or popular debate has caught up with the changing nature of the bottom end of society, or how the top, middle and bottom of society are closely inter related. It suits the agenda of politicians and gutter press to pathologise the poor as seperate and different from the rest of society.

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If it's good business to have people on benefits, which for the above mentioned companies it is - then they will do their utmost to ensure that the number of people on some kind of benefit increases.


It would be a betrayal of their responsibilities to their shareholders to do otherwise.

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If it's good business to have people on benefits, which for the above mentioned companies it is - then they will do their utmost to ensure that the number of people on some kind of benefit increases.


It would be a betrayal of their responsibilities to their shareholders to do otherwise.


On the ball Phanerothyme.

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There is someone I know in tonight's programme. I'll be interested to see how he is portrayed.


If the person was the man from Sheffield, I thought he came across very well.

A decent man and a lovely father. I hope his luck improves and I wish him well.

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I disagree with your point that the welfare state operates independent of the commercial world.

Firstly look at all those 'contracted out' companies (Serco, Capita, G4S) etc that do very nicely thank you from securing juicy government contracts delivering parts of the welfare state (often at substandard. levels).

Secondly, many people in poverty are in work already. That is, the taxpayer is subsidising poverty pay employers. Some of whom are large multinational companies.

I don't think the political or popular debate has caught up with the changing nature of the bottom end of society, or how the top, middle and bottom of society are closely inter related. It suits the agenda of politicians and gutter press to pathologise the poor as seperate and different from the rest of society.


How can you disagree with my point ? The welfare state IS indeed separate from the commercial world. Let's take the A4E for example. Their responsibility IS to get people back into work. If the commercial world has changed, and the skills needed for the potential employees have also changed, shouldn't an entity like A4E actually train the unemployed to groom them into the available job positions which are on offer at that time ? The world of business changes, and it is always inline with the needs of the population, or it develop new technologies or services inline with the demand. If there is no demand, then there are no services or new products produced. Therefore shouldn't the skills of the individuals be trained to match this kind of evolving nature of the business world ?


If the government is working very efficiently, then the data which resides within the government should indeed be utilised back into its agencies too. In a two-way communication process. Not just a supposed top down process either.


On the nature of the commercial world and how the government can exert its power onto them in terms of taxation and policies. Well, then this is really down to those specialist departments within the government to enforces the commercial world to comply. Look at the company Microsoft, SHOULD they have become a billion dollar company ? Should they indeed? If they were not, then there would not have been that many in poverty within the UK itself, and nor would UK become an a country whereby its debt increased exponentially.


There should have been pressure exerted onto the US's government to push back on the growth of such tech companies. Nor should these consultancy companies be both the advisors to both countries, and the tech companies, and indirectly also boost their own growth too.

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