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Mindfulness - What's your opinion?

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Mindfulness - Mindfulness is about being awake and aware and living in the present, rather than dwelling in the past or anticipating the future.


I'm a straight forward type of girl, I'm neither religious nor superstitious, but please don't tell anybody ... I am a worrier. I go over & over things that have happened in the past and I fret over what may happen in the future. To the point were I get anxious, feel miserable and I honestly think it's giving me headaches.


Anyway a doctor has suggested mindfulness. From what I can gather it's breathing exercises, some kind of meditation maybe? I wondered if anybody had any experience of this, good or bad?

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Being focused of this exact moment, and this exact second is actually a good thing. The worrying thing actually makes our mind more active than it needs to be. If you synchronise the emotions to that of your mind, and then learn to detach from the emotions, will allow you to be so much more aware as well. Try and think good thoughts too. As this also allows you to be more positive in general. "Every cloud has a silver lining is actually very true." When you do more of this, your mind will become more peaceful and less overactive in thinking, and therefore reduces the worry level as well.

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Being focused of this exact moment, and this exact second is actually a good thing. The worrying thing actually makes our mind more active than it needs to be. If you synchronise the emotions to that of your mind, and then learn to detach from the emotions, will allow you to be so much more aware as well. Try and think good thoughts too. As this also allows you to be more positive in general. "Every cloud has a silver lining is actually very true." When you do more of this, your mind will become more peaceful and less overactive in thinking, and therefore reduces the worry level as well.



Oh salsafan that's what I want, just peace of mind and to get back to my old happy self. So have you tried mindfulness yourself? Is it easy to achieve?

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Oh salsafan that's what I want, just peace of mind and to get back to my old happy self. So have you tried mindfulness yourself? Is it easy to achieve?


It is not that it is hard to achieve than it is you have to incorporate it as part of your lifestyle. Just taking say 30 minutes each day to meditate, or take a morning walk, or just to slowly make a cup of tea in the morning. Anything which allows you to be focused, without distraction. I think doing this overtime makes you more present and aware and happier inside. You will also come to relate each decision that you make too, and its outcomes.


I have tried different things over the years, and it became a case of searching for the sake of the search itself. When I stopped searching, living, breathing, and seeing people again, and making tougher choices in my life. (Meaning, reducing the number of chaotic things which demands my attention all the time. Doing just what is necessary but not to over do it. Also learning to let go of things. This is hard to do.) I am so much more happier. I also learn to not overdo too. This really helps to put it into perspective.

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Mindfulness is a fabulous tool for beating anxiety and depression. Get outdoors, actually 'look' at what you pass, and not ignore it - flowers, trees, clouds, listen to the sounds you hear, birds, and appreciate everything. Absolutely absorb yourself 'in the moment'.


Tonight I read a story to my kids and they loved it more than usual, and so did I. Why? Because instead of trying to get to the end as quickly as possible whilst worrying about what else I'd got to do, I just shut everything out and totally focussed on the story, telling it in the most magical way I could and noticing every look on my children's faces and every sparkle in their eyes. That's the magic of mindfulness and it works wonders!

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Being focused of this exact moment, and this exact second is actually a good thing. The worrying thing actually makes our mind more active than it needs to be. If you synchronise the emotions to that of your mind, and then learn to detach from the emotions, will allow you to be so much more aware as well. Try and think good thoughts too. As this also allows you to be more positive in general. "Every cloud has a silver lining is actually very true." When you do more of this, your mind will become more peaceful and less overactive in thinking, and therefore reduces the worry level as well.


That sounds like a Dale Carnegie sort of thing

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I use mindful meditation every day for at least 3 minutes when I can and up to half an hour when I know I have the time, normally fist thing in the morning or last thing at night.


Stress councillors use it and forms part of CBT therapy.

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