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Sheffield Half Marathon 2004


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Originally posted by designbunny

I think i may go to watch! A few of us at work have started running once a week, its fun, even tho i'm not much good - breathless/feeling like i want to collapse etc! but it makes you so proud of yourself!


Does anyone run regualrly in the evening? If you don't mind going very slowly; walking a bit then running a bit, i could join you! I guess we all have to start somewhere! lol


I'm always looking for a running buddy. Not living in sheffield anymore so I tend to run in my lunch hour. Appreciate it you could PM me if interested.

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I did the Sheffield Half Marathon last year and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a shame that they've changed the date as I won't be back in town until at least the end of May....


I don't know. Next year they'll be calling it the Sheffield Snickers.

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  • 1 month later...

Did anyone do this in the end?


I managed 2:14:30, which I'm pleased with for a first attempt at the distance (plus it took two minutes to get as far as the start line, so morally I'm claiming 2:12, if that makes a difference :D )


Next stop White Peak Half on May 22nd from Matlock, then onto Amsterdam Full Marathon in October.


The marshalls and crowds around the route were fantastic and very supportative - thanks to anyone who was watching! Ecclesall Road was a sort of mini carnival and it was great to see Sheffield like this.

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Well Done.


It's a real shame that Sheffield no longer has a full marathon but from my experience in doing it there was little point in keeping it going. One year there were only 280 people running the full and the rest ran the half.

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I did it in 2 hours. Was fun, apart from the last couple of miles, and arriving back at Don Valley stadium to find out that we had to run around the whole stadium before finishing.

Some other annoying things, there were 2600 competitors and just 2 toilets! Loads of people just ended up urinating in the showers in order to make the start in time. The first two miles was like a mass re-enactment of that Monty Python sketch "Incontinent's Marathon" as half of the runners disappeared into the bushes by the side of the road to relieve themselves.

It was my first race, I'm going to have a look today for other's to do, maybe in June, July. Any recomendations for good halves to run in?

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Originally posted by Jamie

My first too RichK .. and totally looking forward to it !! .. just can't wait :-)

Did you manage it then? :D and in what time?

I got a whole three english pounds waiting for you and your charity :D do hope you've not been making any altercations on that sponsership form of yours :wink::D

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Originally posted by Mosherchik

Did you manage it then? :D and in what time?

I got a whole three english pounds waiting for you and your charity :D do hope you've not been making any altercations on that sponsership form of yours :wink::D


Yeah moshy !! ... I ran it all the way (no walking or crawling) ...


My foot was not too bad in the end ... but my other foot developed a killer blister ...


My time ... was a bit dissapointing ... 2 hour and 5 mins ... and I got lapped by some guy with a 2 on his back who looked like a pro !!!


Was a lot of fun tho and a great atmosphere and was a pleasure to be running it and in the company of so many cool and wonderful peeps and my training buddies etc (one of em did it in 1 hour 32 ... the swine !!!).


Am in spain at the moment ... getting a nice tan on my tired legs.



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