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Morrisons Profits

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From what I read I think if ever his/her dream came true and Morrisons/Tesco folded then the likes of Aldi would obviously and quite rightly would jump in and take their place.


New thread.

Aldi Profits (or lack of them).......

Blah blah blah


Attack me as much as you like but supermarkets have increased prices beyond the reach of many people. The fact that I will call in for a bottle of washing up liquid if the Mrs needs one and it's the first place I pass. I will not though do a full weekly shop at these establishments as they are blatantly profiteering and would have gotten away with if it wasn't for those pesky Aldi's. If your happy to keep giving money to these places fair enough. I won't be!!

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Attack me as much as you like but supermarkets have increased prices beyond the reach of many people. The fact that I will call in for a bottle of washing up liquid if the Mrs needs one and it's the first place I pass. I will not though do a full weekly shop at these establishments as they are blatantly profiteering and would have gotten away with if it wasn't for those pesky Aldi's. If your happy to keep giving money to these places fair enough. I won't be!!


So why dont you attack Asda, Sainsburys, M&S, Waitrose? It seems to really distress you?

Bit bemused why you think its supermarkets increasing prices and nothing to do with the general cost of living or the recession.


Aldis is good at soem things but also has a limited range and its not all great stuff. they are out to make a profit just like everyone else.

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So why dont you attack Asda, Sainsburys, M&S, Waitrose? It seems to really distress you?

Bit bemused why you think its supermarkets increasing prices and nothing to do with the general cost of living or the recession.


Aldis is good at soem things but also has a limited range and its not all great stuff. they are out to make a profit just like everyone else.


I think the word supermarkets covers a few bases, it doesn't distress me a much as people on here who find excuses for companies that are ripping off the public on a huge scale, is it any wonder we get fleeced as much as we do.


I have said earlier that I have no problem with any companies making profits it's when the cost of goods send people into hardship that I object.


Don't get me started on the recession which was perfectly stage managed to drive down wage demands but that's for another thread.

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Care to highlight where supermarkets are ripping the public off?

I take it you can show the total cost of a certain product against the sale price, then showing the profit margin of said product.


Zzzzzzzzzz do people just bury their heads in the sand, has your shopping not increased dramatically in the last five years, I would guess that around 90% of people I know have changed their shopping habits because of this, I take it you haven't.

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I use my local shops, road side fruit and veg stall, Welbeck Farm Shop and Aston Springs Farm and Aldi.


The problem with lots of these farm shops is their prices are either the same or more expensive than the supermarkets.

Farmers blame the supermarkets for ripping them off, however, when the small farmers go it alone, they charge the consumer the same price for the goods as the pice displayed in the supermarkets even though they've got rid of the middle man.

At the end if the day the customer is getting ripped off regardless.

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Yes my shopping bill has increased, so have my wages.

Should shop assistants never get an increase in their wages?


If your wages have increased by the same amount has shopping has then your very lucky, I know mine hasn't. This thread and this forum in General makes it clear why we are the worlds most ripped off people.

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I think the word supermarkets covers a few bases, it doesn't distress me a much as people on here who find excuses for companies that are ripping off the public on a huge scale, is it any wonder we get fleeced as much as we do.


I have said earlier that I have no problem with any companies making profits it's when the cost of goods send people into hardship that I object.


Don't get me started on the recession which was perfectly stage managed to drive down wage demands but that's for another thread.


Presumably people have free choice, so they cna just go and shop somewhere else if they cant afford the prices? You clearly do have a problem with people making a profit, except this time you are reveling in the fact Morrisons has made a loss this year.


Other supermarkets have made a profit. Why arent you complaining about Waitrose or M&S?

Why just Morrisons?

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Because Morrisons were in the news at the time and I using them as an example, I dont have a problem with Waitrose as you go in expecting prices to be higher but the products are mostly better quality and the stores tend to be placed in more affluent areas.


I've said three times I have no problems with profit just excessive profits.

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