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Concrete blocks on grass verges

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READ THE F'IN OP.:loopy::loopy:

I never mounted the kerb with a wheel or touched the lovely lovely green stuff,however ,if I had not been very very careful and not seen that the mong had placed the concrete blocks(on top of the precious grass,and killed it underneath),then the front end of my car would have hit the blocks and been damaged

The blocks are placed at the very edge of the kerb,making a wall of around 6-8 inch,which is very difficult to see when sat in a driving seat and trying to manoeuvre out of the way of on coming traffic:help::help:


Remember, these blocks are spaced out and have gaps in between which are kerb level !!!!!


What if you where doing a 3point turn ,and the back end of your car hits one of these blocks cos its not high enough to be seen, none of the wheels going anywhere near the grass, what would you do ?????????


It's obvious you hate to see nice grass verges. What kind of a person calls people mongs? It's a pity the bloke who put the blocks down ain't on here to tell his side. If it bothers you that much report it to the police or highways.

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Quite often, both the police and the council do not enforce any rules about parking on the pavement/verge.



And the frustration forces people to act on their own accord which is illegal, but at least those types of criminals are doing something constructive for the right reason and are often the type of people to go on the front and do the verge while out mowing the lawn.


It shouldn't have to come to that, all they have to do is drive around the estates with a camera van taking registrations and fixed penalty notice them, it will soon sort its self out then.


I agree with you 100%.

The amount of money the council would make would be massive. I'm sure people who do park on the grass verger or even worse, those that park on the pavement forcing people with prams or wheelchairs on to the road would soon get the message

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I know of someone who first put blocks on the grass outside his garden. Then put a wire fence around it and grew a hedge a few years after that he went the whole hog and put a proper wall around it and removed the hedge.


Now he has built on the land he aquired for nothing, extending his home and the value of his property.


Not saying your chap is doing that, but .............




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