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Servicemen NOT banned from pub so Muslims not offended

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But where is the choice? If a business chooses to offer a prayer room and give time out to the religious then that is up to them. But we are moving towards this become an obligation by default because of the cost of fighting law suits, employment tribunals etc.


Where do the religious get off making these sort of demands of others? All of these 'issues' stem from the failure of people with religious beliefs to keep it personal. If they want to imposes silly conditions on themselves then that is fine... just stop asking others to help out.


I'm baffled, good employers appreciate the benefits of providing their employees with a good working environment because it positively affects their performance.


What next, will you be complaining about employers being compelled to provide indoor toilets or separate arrangements for the sexes?

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Why the double standard? You are saying that in an Islamic school it is OK to instruct non-muslim teachers to wear a hajib but in a non-Islam hairdressers it is not OK for the employer to tell a muslim not to wear a hajib!!


This is exactly the sort of thing that winds people up.


Precisely, its always everyone else that as to bend over backward to accommodate their beliefs.

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Why the double standard? You are saying that in an Islamic school it is OK to instruct non-muslim teachers to wear a hajib but in a non-Islam hairdressers it is not OK for the employer to tell a muslim not to wear a hajib!!


Since you raised the subject of the Islamic school demanding that female teachers wear the hijab do you think they should be allowed to enforce that policy?

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No, she was treating everyone equally, she expects her employee's to show their hair, be they white, black, Muslims, Christian, Atheist. Its not an unreasonable rule for an hair salon.


No, when I wrote the above about "discrimination", I meant the Discrimination Act within Employment Law. I was actually wrong in assumption that the Act is titled Discrimination Act, but in reality, it is now currently classified as Equality Act. Of which, underneath this it incorporate 3 separate Acts which were in place before 2010.




I am not talking about how she prefers to treat people, and what actually happened, and to be honest, as I am not there, so I cannot assume what occured either. But I can only participate by discussing the laws on employment on an objective level.


Sex Discrimination Act 1975

Race Relations Act 1976

Disability Discrimination Act 1995


Previously the above is quite distinct. Now, it is under the same Equality Act. It does cover ageism as well as gender biases and so forth. (Maybe in terms of gender biase, there is also a goal to move towards the Millennium Goal which UK has also pledged to agree to.)

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Do you guys actually think that these entities are merely changing inline with the law, than any other person actually who is muslim is kicking up this kind of fuss overall ? If this is the case, then isn't the newspaper quite misleading ? Considering that these laws changed in 2010. Who or what instigated this change and was there a direct EU or G8 goals which enabled such laws to be changed in the first place? If so, then I feel ever so sorry for those British Muslims who have to put up with this kind of crap.

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