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Servicemen NOT banned from pub so Muslims not offended

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Do Muslims do that?


Yes during the Hajj.


---------- Post added 17-03-2014 at 20:11 ----------


Ok, lets use your language. How have you bent over backwards to accommodating their beliefs


Yes, the law requires me to adjust my life to accommodate their beliefs.

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Since you raised the subject of the Islamic school demanding that female teachers wear the hijab do you think they should be allowed to enforce that policy?


I think they should be allowed to have whatever dress code they want providing they are not taking money from the public purse. I do not think the state should fund any religious schools... we need the state to be independent and secular.

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Things like this.


The owner of a hair salon has been ordered to pay £4,000 compensation to a Muslim stylist who was turned down for a job because she wears a headscarf.


I can fully understand why an hair salon would want their staff to show off their hair, it seams odd that it can't be used as a job requirement.

Ok I have read that article now and gave it a lot of thoughts.


The reason why the salon owner lost the case is indeed that she is not acting within the realms of the Employment Law itself. Even though yes, she is the business owner, and she can indeed run her business as how she see fits. But her words, and her action was done in an indirect way which contravenes one of the race discrimination act. As a business, and an employer, she is subjected to Employment Law too. This is the point. Even though she is a simple salon owner, in bigger companies, you will have properly trained HR personnels which will conduct the interviewing process to be fair and to be just. As well as putting processes in place which would prevent any possible actions that may occur which conflicts with the employment law itself where it crosses the line on discrimination.


Basically even though the salon owner thinks that she can ask her workers to dress how she see fit, and that they too have to change themselves in order to fit into the workplace. But the laws in this country do state that "everyone has an equal opportunity to be employed and to find work in the workplace". That is why the law exists, it is to prevent this kind of situation to exist. I know that in the actual creative industry itself, many people tries to impress their own employers by dressing in a particular way or to embrace themselves in a particular fashion sense to denote their creativity. But in reality, I would have thought that this was done by the individual themselves as an understated rule, and not as a legal requirement for a job. So in this instance, the salon owner maybe crossed that fine line without an understanding of the law itself.


In the workplace, unless it is for safety reasons, no employer can ask you to degrade your own self dignity, or your own image before performing the work. If this is done, then I would have thought that a legal contract would have been drafted up. i.e. movie stars and celebrities need to write very specific clauses especially if asked to show nudity, and this was done with consent and with agreement, and not without agreement, but have implied expectation on the side of the employer.


By the way, the case won based on "indirect discrimination". I am not sure how this particular case will look like now in 2014. As it seems to me that this happened in 2008. The law has since changed also.

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Yes during the Hajj.


Muslims at the Hajj do not sacrifice the animal to God.


Firstly, it is a marking of the act of Abraham.


Secondly, the sacrificial animal is part of the process to fulfill the obligation and this includes to distribute the food to the needy.


The Qur'an is clear that God does not directly need this sacrifice and nor has it been prescribed as such.


It is not their flesh or their blood that reaches God/Allah. Rather it is your God wariness (piety) that reaches Him. Thus has he disposed them for your benefit so that you may magnify Allah for His guiding you. And give good news to the virtuous


In this verse, He mentions a very important point: that He does not benefit from the flesh, meat and blood of the sacrificed animal. What He seeks is your righteousness and God-wariness, in other words, to give a part of your wealth in His way and feed the hungry.


This is a valuable act and a sign of one’s God-wariness and fulfilling a command.

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A lot less than Tommy Robinson has cost the taxpayer down the years. And Nick Griffin's bodyguard got pulled last night. You far-right fantasists do like to milk the public coffers while claiming it's others that are causing the expense.


How much compensation did the British muslim (Moazzam Begg) receive when released from Guantanamo Bay? And why is he in the news again?


Milking the public coffers it seems.

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I think they should be allowed to have whatever dress code they want providing they are not taking money from the public purse. I do not think the state should fund any religious schools... we need the state to be independent and secular.


The state has a duty to look after everyone and that includes you and me. It also should indeed support everyone who wants to live their lives in harmony and whether this is thrown in with a religion of their own choice or not. I have never and wouldn't actually have minded if there are religious schools, and of which there are many any way. I am sure that they have their own policies, and I for one would love to see each person believe in something which motivates them in life, and not enforce my own perception of my values onto them. I would want equality for them too. But not in the literal sense as in "do as I tell you", or "do as I do ".

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