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Servicemen NOT banned from pub so Muslims not offended

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I'm baffled, good employers appreciate the benefits of providing their employees with a good working environment because it positively affects their performance.


What next, will you be complaining about employers being compelled to provide indoor toilets or separate arrangements for the sexes?


You do not have to agree with the choices that I or anyone else make running a business. You and others simply need to respect the right of businesses to make business decisions without consideration for employees religious beliefs or customs if we so choose. Their beliefs and practices are their business and our business choices should be our business.

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Muslims at the Hajj do not sacrifice the animal to God.


Firstly, it is a marking of the act of Abraham.


Secondly, the sacrificial animal is part of the process to fulfill the obligation and this includes to distribute the food to the needy.


The Qur'an is clear that God does not directly need this sacrifice and nor has it been prescribed as such.




In this verse, He mentions a very important point: that He does not benefit from the flesh, meat and blood of the sacrificed animal. What He seeks is your righteousness and God-wariness, in other words, to give a part of your wealth in His way and feed the hungry.


This is a valuable act and a sign of one’s God-wariness and fulfilling a command.


The types of animals which may be sacrificed are camels, cows, sheep and goats.
Who's rule is this?





A sheep or goat can be sacrificed on behalf of only one person; whereas, a cow or camel can be shared by seven people.
Who's rule is this?


The age of the goat or sheep should be at least one year, the cow two and the camel at least five.
Who's rule is this?


It is forbidden to sacrifice sick, crippled or wounded animals.
Who's rule is this?


The sacrifice should be performed on the 10th of Dhu'l-Hijjah but it is allowed to sacrifice up until the dusk of the 13th.

Who's rule is this?



The pilgrim should say the following Du'aa when slaughtering the animal: "In the name of Allah and Allah is the Greatest. O Allah! This is from You and for You." The animal should be turned on its left side facing the Kaaba, but this is not a strict rule and is recommended practice of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
O Allah! This is from You and for You.

There is no getting away from the fact that the sacrifice is for Allah.



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You do not have to agree with the choices that I or anyone else make running a business. You and others simply need to respect the right of businesses to make business decisions without consideration for employees religious beliefs or customs if we so choose. Their beliefs and practices are their business and our business choices should be our business.


Any business owners can run their business in any way that they like, but as an employer, they are also subjected to a specific set of laws as well, which governs how they need to run within the boundaries of those set of laws. I would have thought that this is understood for any business owners. If they do not understand this, then they are indeed overlooking the idea of the human resources aspect of the business. Maybe this is not seen that much in small to medium size companies, but within large to multi-national businesses, then I would assume that a formal HR department will check and verify every aspect of their processes both within the company itself when in working mode, and during the recruitment phases of candidates.


When a person does not fit a company, a business can have several different tactics legally to get rid of the employee too. You may be surprised, but yes, this also exist too.


In some cases, employers do put together a strategy to exist a set of employees also. As I mentioned in another thread on graduate recruitments, and allowing candidates to fail, and to leave a small percentage of employees to be trained upwards and groomed into various positions within the company.

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Things like this.


The owner of a hair salon has been ordered to pay £4,000 compensation to a Muslim stylist who was turned down for a job because she wears a headscarf.


I can fully understand why an hair salon would want their staff to show off their hair, it seams odd that it can't be used as a job requirement.


Is that the best you can scrape up? A six year old story? Have a word with yersen, will ya? *facepalm*

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Ok I have read that article now and gave it a lot of thoughts.


The reason why the salon owner lost the case is indeed that she is not acting within the realms of the Employment Law itself.


That's right, employment laws which mean businesses have to bend over backwards to accommodate peoples silly religious beliefs. It was kind of the point I was making when I posted the link.


---------- Post added 17-03-2014 at 21:08 ----------


Is that the best you can scrape up? A six year old story? Have a word with yersen, will ya? *facepalm*


What difference does it make how old the story is, BF asked for some proof and was given some proof. That just happened to be number one on Google when I looked for proof, I sure there will be thousands of other examples of how the non religious have to accommodate the silly beliefs of the religious.

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