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Servicemen NOT banned from pub so Muslims not offended

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Even though the reporting of abuse is certainly increasing, I do not think that the abuse is increasing since the war on terror. As I said in my home town of Plymouth, Union street used to be like a war zone with the local thugs scrapping with the service men at the weekend.


Why it was like this - I don't know, maybe it was nothing more than gang warfare.


If it was just happening in Plymouth's pubs you might have a point, the fact though is that it isn't, its happening all over the country, in schools and a variety of different businesses, it even happens on here. Some people just hate our service personal with a passion because they are fighting a war that some feel is unjust.


The government aren't going to create legislation just because some locals want to fight with service men are they.

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It's the same in every garrison town. Squaddies fight with locals. If there are a number of regiments garrisoned close together they fight with each other too. Where I'm from originally they were banned from some of the pubs because of all the scrapping - a sensible business decision on the part of the pub owners. We had two barracks, one on each side of the town and each sometimes with different regiments, and an RAF base down the road. Friday and Saturday nights in town could get very feral in the 70s and 80s.


I take it you don't watch much news, the vast majority of drunken violence and criminal damage in the countries pubs, clubs and towns is cause by drunken civilians and not service personal.

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If it was just happening in Plymouth's pubs you might have a point, the fact though is that it isn't, its happening all over the country, in schools and a variety of different businesses, it even happens on here. Some people just hate our service personal with a passion because they are fighting a war that some feel is unjust.


The government aren't going to create legislation just because some locals want to fight with service men are they.


No you missed my point, the point was that even though the reporting of abuse is certainly increasing, I do not think that the abuse is increasing since the war on terror.


Also I don't believe that it is a government proposal, isn't it a Labour party proposal from a couple of years ago?

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No you missed my point, the point was that even though the reporting of abuse is certainly increasing, I do not think that the abuse is increasing since the war on terror.


You seam to be focusing on just the abuse and violence against them and not all the other discrimination which as increased since the war on terror.





Also I don't believe that it is a government proposal, isn't it a Labour party proposal from a couple of years ago?


Ed Miliband wouldn't be proposing legislation to end recrimination against members of the armed forces if they weren't suffering from discrimination. He's promised new legislation to protect the armed forces from assault and discrimination in the UK if Labour wins the 2015 general election.





Session: 2012-13

Date tabled: 11.06.2012

Primary sponsor: Smith, Nick


Bottomley, Peter

Hoey, Kate

Russell, Bob

Meale, Alan

Hancock, Mike


That this House recognises the immeasurable contribution the British Armed Forces and their families make to national security and well-being; commits to honouring their many sacrifices by providing the highest levels of care and support for the service community at home; believes in the principles of the Military Covenant and wants them to apply across the whole of UK society; deplores any and all forms of discrimination directed towards the armed forces and their families; seeks to end discrimination on the grounds that we must protect those who protect the UK; further believes this should be an issue which unites all sides of the House; supports cross-party talks involving service charities and the military on how to make this happen; and further recognises the potential merit in introducing new legal protections, such as those that exist for other groups, to defend the service community against discrimination.

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You seam to be focusing on just the abuse and violence against them and not all the other discrimination which as increased since the war on terror.


I know I'm an eternal optimist, is there any chance that you can back this claim up?

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bartie, you keep giving yourself away :suspect:




Here we go retep...you read it in the Daily Mail? So it must be a lie told about Muslims, telling lies about the BNP.


No lies involved,

"Yesterday he was given a two-year jail term after being convicted of perverting the course of justice."


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1285884/Muslim-leader-claimed-kidnapped-BNP-members-jailed-pack-lies.html#ixzz2w79NSRP9


I'm sure you'll find it in other papers if you don't like the Mail,

another benefit to the UK, wonder how much he will cost.

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....wonder how much he will cost.


A lot less than Tommy Robinson has cost the taxpayer down the years. And Nick Griffin's bodyguard got pulled last night. You far-right fantasists do like to milk the public coffers while claiming it's others that are causing the expense.

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No lies involved,

"Yesterday he was given a two-year jail term after being convicted of perverting the course of justice."


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1285884/Muslim-leader-claimed-kidnapped-BNP-members-jailed-pack-lies.html#ixzz2w79NSRP9


I'm sure you'll find it in other papers if you don't like the Mail,

another benefit to the UK, wonder how much he will cost.


They will simply dismiss the DM link so here 's the BBC link. :)



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