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Orgasmic Brainwashing?

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We all know that religions allows feeling to be realised in a mystical sense, a heightened sense of being, where the purpose and all encompassing belief, takes a practitioner into a euphoric trance like state, experienced by Voodoo practitioner, Christians being touched by the Holy Ghost, the Whirling Dervishes, and other heightened religious practices. These experiences are similar to those of aboriginal peoples taking hallucinogens to experience a similar personal internalised effect, just a different ritual practice. They are all heady orgasmic experiences, and like the drunk that will take on everyone, or where a line or two can make others feel they can walk on water, for a while, people are experiencing unique instances, where the spiritual and reality become somewhat blurred. Most regard this as having a great memorable and significant time.



So Blowing oneself up in an explosion could be interpreted as the ultimate spiritual orgasm, where mind, body and spirit are united forever in sensation. Creating a terrorist, a person willing to blow themselves up might require further investigation, as it seems people volunteer, proving to themselves and everyone a belief so strong, so convincing so encompassing, death is not the issue, except for the living, left behind as the cripple was, in the story of the Pied Piper, who did not understand the symbolism, and felt unjustly treated, as do the victims, of a pact with salvation.


So if religion, can simulate such sensation, while others seek it through drink and drugs, maybe its time to rethink both, as the indoctrination of ecstatic hope, yearning for peace, is just another lie, deception, keeping not just the bomber compliant but all of us to a lesser and greater degree? Let us not forget that maybe all such experiences are a deliberate substitute through suppression for true sexual orgasmic expression, that most people crave when they sing, read, dream of love, and hope such a high to remain accessible forever?

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As a GP, my best success with alcoholics and drug addicts was to hand them over to an enthusiastic church, such as the Pentecostalists or JWs.

They became religion addicts rather than substance addicts -- was that better or worse?

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As a GP, my best success with alcoholics and drug addicts was to hand them over to an enthusiastic church, such as the Pentecostalists or JWs.

They became religion addicts rather than substance addicts -- was that better or worse?


So Marx was right then .:)

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