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Orgasmic Brainwashing?

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As a GP, my best success with alcoholics and drug addicts was to hand them over to an enthusiastic church, such as the Pentecostalists or JWs.

They became religion addicts rather than substance addicts -- was that better or worse?


And there I was thinking churches preyed on the weak and vulnerable:hihi:.

I suppose its better to have a JW knocking on your door,than a crackhead knocking on your window.......with a brick.....when your out:hihi:

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We all know that religions allows feeling to be realised in a mystical sense, a heightened sense of being, where the purpose and all encompassing belief, takes a practitioner into a euphoric trance like state, experienced by Voodoo practitioner, Christians being touched by the Holy Ghost, the Whirling Dervishes, and other heightened religious practices. These experiences are similar to those of aboriginal peoples taking hallucinogens to experience a similar personal internalised effect, just a different ritual practice. They are all heady orgasmic experiences, and like the drunk that will take on everyone, or where a line or two can make others feel they can walk on water, for a while, people are experiencing unique instances, where the spiritual and reality become somewhat blurred. Most regard this as having a great memorable and significant time.



So Blowing oneself up in an explosion could be interpreted as the ultimate spiritual orgasm, where mind, body and spirit are united forever in sensation. Creating a terrorist, a person willing to blow themselves up might require further investigation, as it seems people volunteer, proving to themselves and everyone a belief so strong, so convincing so encompassing, death is not the issue, except for the living, left behind as the cripple was, in the story of the Pied Piper, who did not understand the symbolism, and felt unjustly treated, as do the victims, of a pact with salvation.


So if religion, can simulate such sensation, while others seek it through drink and drugs, maybe its time to rethink both, as the indoctrination of ecstatic hope, yearning for peace, is just another lie, deception, keeping not just the bomber compliant but all of us to a lesser and greater degree? Let us not forget that maybe all such experiences are a deliberate substitute through suppression for true sexual orgasmic expression, that most people crave when they sing, read, dream of love, and hope such a high to remain accessible forever?


would be interesting to wire up the brain of a suicide bomber and monitor their brainwaves and brain activity as it builds up in the run up to their ultimate explosive orgasm. do they really shoot their load at the thought of 72 virgins that await them? neither drugs, never tried them, just watched other peoples antics, nor religion have ever helped me reach orgasm. :D:hihi:

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We all know that religions allows feeling to be realised in a mystical sense, a heightened sense of being, where the purpose and all encompassing belief, takes a practitioner into a euphoric trance like state, experienced by Voodoo practitioner, Christians being touched by the Holy Ghost, the Whirling Dervishes, and other heightened religious practices. These experiences are similar to those of aboriginal peoples taking hallucinogens to experience a similar personal internalised effect, just a different ritual practice. They are all heady orgasmic experiences, and like the drunk that will take on everyone, or where a line or two can make others feel they can walk on water, for a while, people are experiencing unique instances, where the spiritual and reality become somewhat blurred. Most regard this as having a great memorable and significant time.



So Blowing oneself up in an explosion could be interpreted as the ultimate spiritual orgasm, where mind, body and spirit are united forever in sensation. Creating a terrorist, a person willing to blow themselves up might require further investigation, as it seems people volunteer, proving to themselves and everyone a belief so strong, so convincing so encompassing, death is not the issue, except for the living, left behind as the cripple was, in the story of the Pied Piper, who did not understand the symbolism, and felt unjustly treated, as do the victims, of a pact with salvation.


So if religion, can simulate such sensation, while others seek it through drink and drugs, maybe its time to rethink both, as the indoctrination of ecstatic hope, yearning for peace, is just another lie, deception, keeping not just the bomber compliant but all of us to a lesser and greater degree? Let us not forget that maybe all such experiences are a deliberate substitute through suppression for true sexual orgasmic expression, that most people crave when they sing, read, dream of love, and hope such a high to remain accessible forever?


Sex has become perverted. There is a huge increase in childporn and other type of unnatural events such as a teenager raping a dog or his younger sister, father having sex with daughter etc. More that sex is repressed more it becomes perverted. People are obsessed with porn and masturbation while there are great experiences freely available that come without any effort necessary.

Religion is preprogramed, based on lies, false promises and punishments to force obedience.

That suicide bomber really believes he is a holy superior being going to heaven for eternal bliss. These are all lies that he believes in and make him exited. That is not spiritual or orgasmic, just an ignorant being thinking how his wifes in heaven will look and what wine river he will settle in heaven.


Supressed sex is making all of this religion possible. Someone living in freedom would after a while come to the realisation that sex is only skin deep and the horizon of natural available experiences shall expand to less physical bounded energy without effort or interference.

When you start dreaming about love singing reading, dancing it will only be a dream. Nothing wrong with it, most people are sleepwalking all day long. Dreaming stops when you allow reality to come back without interference instead of repressing/perverting it.

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That suicide bomber really believes he is a holy superior being going to heaven for eternal bliss. These are all lies that he believes in and make him exited.

lol ! i thought you meant excited, but you could be right there the first time.




Its not about feeling superior Mucky" its about a personal sensation that, that comes from an external source. One is internally excited, if not euphoric, and its it what stimulates or causes this feeling, that is the problem, with may in the UK its alcohol that leads the way to a temporary great time, illegal drugs are not so popular, and religion is far down the list. Let us not forget how some through yoga, and Buddhism also try to find both peace and euphoria. So one could say there, are many paths to euphoria, many ideologies pointing the way, all with human gatekeepers charging a fee, thus exploiting the pilgrims, who are too stupid to know better.


So blowing yourself to kingdom come brings some strangers with you, blowing your money on gambling or alcohol takes the immediate family to hell. We all create explosions of one kind or another, and one might suggest that choosing to be a weapon is little different from governments using the military to invade countries, murder thousands of civilians calling it collateral damage, or accidents will happen. We let out government bomb Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia, so we all in the UK think killing the innocent along with the guilty is fine. So the lone vested bomber has a lot of catching up to do, to match the carnage that civilised people sanction. We the British love war, just look at how many we are involved in right now, and how many we have loved joining in over the last 20 years.


If someone came into your home, raped your wife and children then killed them might that not sent you into a fit of rage, where you would willingly sacrifice your life for revenge? On the other hand you might feel your family deserved it. Such is the power of feelings that can turn logic on its head, and fire one up to do what they think is the right thing. All religions does is provide a way of funding allocation that some groups exploit that pay for weapons, like governments do. If scientology is a religion that sucks in funds on spurious claims to enhance its own growth, surely aythig goes?

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didnt mention 'superior', it was a quote from another post.


there is usually collateral damage in warfare. the time will come when wars will be fought by kids with their remotely piloted drones that they can fly to anywhere and put a bullet right between the eyes of their target. but there will still be mistakes.


when i 'get jiggy' my manhood explodes as my 'ultimate orgasm' sends millions of sperm to a suicidal end. it really worries me that i am condemning so many to this awful death knowing that perhaps only one will survive to bear fruit. my euphoria as a wholly superior being quickly subsides at the realisation of such devastating 'collateral' damage.

this is the nearest i will ever get to killing anyone.


whilst ever there are humans on earth, many of them will find excuses to kill others. only the earth itself will survive...for a while longer, at least.

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