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Fred Phelps, now dead

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Its the motives i question. If anyone wants to have a pride day (although why anyone would want to is beyond me) then have one. If people want to burn Phelps effigies then go for it but leave his funeral (when he passes)alone. Hes dead. You're obviously happy about that so raise a glass in private if you must mark it in some way.

Personally i think anyone taking delight in his passing is as sick as he was.



I wholeheartedly agree


Yes thanks, Mr Patronista.


Ha ha


No,revenge would be something a lot more worse that a peaceful send off.

After all the funerals they have tried to wreck,I really find it hard to see why you think he deserves a peaceful send off:huh:.

You say revenge,I say sending a peaceful message from the larger community.


It isn't about what someone "deserves", but about how a civilized person should react. The church are wrong to picket funerals, just as anyone would be wrong to picket his.


I think he was an idiot but we should let those that loved him grieve for him, regardless of their behaviour.

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I wholeheartedly agree




Ha ha




It isn't about what someone "deserves", but about how a civilized person should react. The church are wrong to picket funerals, just as anyone would be wrong to picket his.


I think he was an idiot but we should let those that loved him grieve for him, regardless of their behaviour.


Sorry,I don't share the same Christian nature as you.

If he had picketed my Son/Daughter/Mom/Dad etc...etc.

I don't think wild horse's could have held me and my brass band back.

Why should they be entitled to the peaceful send off that my relative was entitled to,but didn't get?(hypothetically speaking of course)

This shouldn't be allowed in the civilized world,full stop.

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Agree with Claire and Charmer; just because someone else behaves like an insensitive uncaring low-life, it doesn't mean you should do the same.


It's understandable though, people wanting to respond in kind to these people; but its just a superficial knee-jerk response type thing. Isn't it better to be compassionate? After all, these people are sickos and most probably haven't had peaceful happy lives. Kinda feel sorry for them.

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It would be dead funny if st Peter welcomed him into the pearly gate with"oooooo ellllllloooooooo,come on in sweety"(said with the exact same tone as Graham Norton's lol)


I was thinking along exactly the same lines...


... or maybe something like a Larry Grayson style


"Shut those gates!"

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