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EU representatives making a fuss about Crimea

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All this fuss about Crimea.

The same thing happened in Cyprus when the Turks invaded , Nato as well as the European Union turn a blind eye.

So whats the differance?


Which side should have Nato come in on as both Greece and Turkey were both in Nato when the conflict occurred in the 1970s, which incidentally was long before the EU came into existence.


You do know that the UK, Russia and the US have all signed a treaty guaranteeing the Ukraine's boarders.

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Which side should have Nato come in on as both Greece and Turkey were both in Nato when the conflict occurred in the 1970s, which incidentally was long before the EU came into existence.


You do know that the UK, Russia and the US have all signed a treaty guaranteeing the Ukraine's boarders.

I wrote that the European Union [Cyprus is a member] turn a blind eye along with Nato.

Double standards.

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I wrote that the European Union [Cyprus is a member] turn a blind eye along with Nato.

Double standards.


Both sides of the argument are in Nato, and the EU is working hard to achieve some sort of settlement. So you cannot compare the two situations.

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I bet the Baltic countries are feeling nervous, would you appease Russia if they fancied taking them bake under their fold? Where would you draw the line?


I think there is more here than meets the eye. China very quiet at the moment and abstaining from the vote on sanctions against Russia.


Russia is testing the west, while China with it's own "land/sea/"grabbing ambitions watch and bide their time.

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Your sarcasm does not do you justice.I have family there so I do not get my information second handed like you.There is probably a very good reason your scientists do not want to go back to being Russian.


It is pretty clear that there is a contingent of Russian speakers that want to go back, but the way it is being handled re the Krim is just wrong, I am sure you can see that as well.


---------- Post added 18-03-2014 at 06:17 ----------


I think you are getting carried away. Russia are a long way behind us and our aggression. He hasn't killed anyone not a soul.


Whilst the situation bears some similarity, you are making a huge and unsubstantiated leap to find "historical precedent". The situation regarding Crimea is complex.


I think you are forgetting about the Chechens, Georgians and Afghans that got bullied by Russia during your lifetime, two of which during Putin's reign.


If complexity is a pretext for allowing unlawful annexation of another nation's land than we are in for a ride the coming years.


Also, I am the first to agree that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were wrong, but that is a very different context and irrelevant in what is happening here, unless you want to use it in an unfruitful eye for an eye competition.

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It is pretty clear that there is a contingent of Russian speakers that want to go back, but the way it is being handled re the Krim is just wrong, I am sure you can see that as well.



TZIL I agree with you that the way it has been handled is a little iffy but that is the nature of politics in that area,as proven by the way the legitimate government was taken out.The truth of the matter is,in my opinion,that the older generation of Ukraine regard themselves as Russian and most have an affinity to that country,while the younger generation want to join the west because they think that they will be better off.

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It is pretty clear that there is a contingent of Russian speakers that want to go back, but the way it is being handled re the Krim is just wrong, I am sure you can see that as well.



TZIL I agree with you that the way it has been handled is a little iffy but that is the nature of politics in that area,as proven by the way the legitimate government was taken out.The truth of the matter is,in my opinion,that the older generation of Ukraine regard themselves as Russian and most have an affinity to that country,while the younger generation want to join the west because they think that they will be better off.


It is more than a little iffy :)


I know several people from East Europe, admittedly they are all of the younger generation, the post-Soviet generation I suppose. They fear for their future as the generations before them have a clamour to return to Soviet times, these are people from the Czech republic, Latvia, Estonia and the Ukraine and they are genuinely worried that they will end up living in a totalitarian state again. This will remain an issue until the older generation is no longer in a position of control.


Whether joining the West is to do with being better off, or with ensuring your friends don't get arrested in the middle of the night because they support gay-rights is irrelevant. As a European I don't want to end up living in fear of our Eastern neighbours again, which, when growing up in the 80's we did.

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