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EU representatives making a fuss about Crimea

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your avatar speaks volumes, historically russia has always been the bigger brother to the baltic states, oh is this the same shakey ground that hes supposed to be feeling now the great Obama and europe have imposed their "SCAREY" sanctions...........mmm thought so


Historically? What, until the end of the Prussians and before the death of the communists you mean. You really ought tp brush up on your European history, because the more you say i. This thread, the more you sound like a Russian Propaganda bot.

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your avatar speaks volumes, historically russia has always been the bigger brother to the baltic states, oh is this the same shakey ground that hes supposed to be feeling now the great Obama and europe have imposed their "SCAREY" sanctions...........mmm thought so


Nope, historically Russia is seen as the brutal conquerors of the Baltic countries and the local populations feelings towards Russia reflect this point.

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and if the Russian people support this democratically??? then the re-annexing of these states would be good for them economically and for the Baltic states themselves.


Who are you sitting snug and safe behind your keyboard to say what's good for Ukrainians and Baltic people?


Have you ever bothered to study the history of these people? What they endured under the Nazis in 5 years of war then afterwards the decades under the likes of Stalin, Kruschev and Brehznev?


It might just be that non-Russian Ukrainians and Balts hate the sight and smell of a Russian.


Russia may be your land of milk and honey and Putin might be your pin up boy but you'd do better to get the true story from those who had the Russians around their necks for so long

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Who are you sitting snug and safe behind your keyboard to say what's good for Ukrainians and Baltic people?


Have you ever bothered to study the history of these people? What they endured under the Nazis in 5 years of war then afterwards the decades under the likes of Stalin, Kruschev and Brehznev?


It might just be that non-Russian Ukrainians and Balts hate the sight and smell of a Russian.


Russia may be your land of milk and honey and Putin might be your pin up boy but you'd do better to get the true story from those who had the Russians around their necks for so long


HA HA oh the irony sat safe and snug in the U S OFA:suspect:

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Not a shot fired? Hmm.


Anyways, what puzzles me, is when China's military invade and conquer Tibet, our governments didn't get all up in arms about that. So how come they do when it's Russia and Ukraine?


Clearly we're acting out of self-interest; and we have more to lose here, than we did in the situation of China invading Tibet. I don't believe for one moment a government acts for any reason other than self-interest (ethics never come in to it), so what is the nature of our vested self-interest in not wanting Russia get their hands on Crimea?

One shot sorry but by who ?.As for China well we are not going to tackle them are we all they would have to do is poisen our no 26 with fried rice throughout England and we would all be dead.

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Who are you sitting snug and safe behind your keyboard to say what's good for Ukrainians and Baltic people?


Have you ever bothered to study the history of these people? What they endured under the Nazis in 5 years of war then afterwards the decades under the likes of Stalin, Kruschev and Brehznev?


It might just be that non-Russian Ukrainians and Balts hate the sight and smell of a Russian.


Russia may be your land of milk and honey and Putin might be your pin up boy but you'd do better to get the true story from those who had the Russians around their necks for so long


I think you have hit the nail on the head with that statement.It is a country divided now between the Russian haters and lovers.Mainly the old are in favour of Russia and the young in favour of the greener grass of the EU.

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