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Rabbit in the Moon: Moonlit Yoga Walk..

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Hello friends,


There has been quite a lot of interest in the following workshop and it is slowly starting to fill but there are still some spaces if you are interested...


Rabbit in the Moon: Moonlit Yoga Walk, Saturday 12 April (weather permitting), 3pm (leave Sheffield) to 8/9pm, location still under consideration, £8 waged , £6 concession & kids under 10 are free.


An evening of walking, yoga, story-telling, poetry, meditation and silence. Finished off with a wonderful picnic underneath the milky way. Suitable for all levels of ability. There has been a lot of interest so if you would like to come please email me so I can add your name to the list.


Some testimonials from the 2013 Autumn Equinox Moonlit Walk follow…


"I wanted to thank you for such an amazingly memorable evening last week. I have been having difficulty finding the words to sum up what a wonderful experience it was. It was certainly one I will hold in my thoughts for a long time to come. I gained so much strength from being with such a lovely group sharing such a wonderful experience in a very special environment. The sense of calm and relaxation stayed with me throughout the week. I look forward to being able to join you again and hope that you will keep me informed of events as they arise. Many thanks for an excellently organised and planned wonderful evening." Amanda x


“As ever, Jo manages to create an event with her unique yoga teaching: serious practice, but done with a very light and good humoured touch, a gentle easy going and uncompetitive spirit, that is at the same time grounded and real, and yet also moving and metaphysical. There was stuff in here for the adults, and the kids, and the kid within the adult! If you like the outdoors and you like yoga, you’re going to love this.” Liam, Director


"I enjoyed everything about this event. From walking through the woods, doing yoga outdoors, having poetry read to us during relaxation, which was topped by having a picnic on top of the rock formation, then waiting for the moon to rise. I found I had a smile on my face, all the way back on the return journey by torch light. It was a very memorable experience!" P.N. Project Manager


"Wonderfully relaxing and enjoyable experience of yoga in the natural environment and it is all thanks to Jo and Ben for the amazing planning, organisation and execution of the workshop!" A.R. Psychologist


“This moon/yoga walk was truly wonderful, life-affirming and uplifting; being in nature accompanied by many like-minded and lovely people with Jo’s gentle guidance and cheery presence was so very special. I cherish the memory of it.” L.C


Enjoy the sunshine and hope to see you soon,





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Hi there,


Really sorry you cannot access the info. May I ask what you are viewing the website on, as it is a Flash based website. This means that certain devices such as tablets may have difficulty looking at my website. You can also access the info from my facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/events/567590909983127/?fref=ts.


I also was wondering if the info that you wanted was more detail about where we will be meeting, the location etc. I will be putting that info on the website and on the facebook page in the coming weeks.


I hope this helps. Please do get in touch if there are any more problems.


Many thanks,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello there friends,


This walk is currently full but if you wish to be placed on a reserve list in case I receive any cancellations please do get in touch.


Ben and I have reckied the walk twice now and it is going to be a little bit special particularly if we get the right weather.


Some of you have been asking for a bit more information about where the walk is. The walk starts promptly at 3pm from Longshaw estate tearooms and we will be exploring the Burbage Valley.


If you want more detail about what yoga techniques we will be exploring, what to wear, bring etc I am happy to email these to you.


Look forward to seeing you soon.


Jo x

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