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Sexual Harrassment Case Compensation Claim

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I wouldn't call him a sexist pig. A sexist pig is someone whistling and harrassing you whilst you walk down the street. He is more than this alone.



It seems that Miss Mazover has money and her father to back up this lawsuit. Who else would actually consider to fight legal cases like this ? Most most of us wouldn't.

It's an employment tribunal, not a legal case that requires a lot of money.


Also, the title is misleading, it hasn't been won, it hasn't even happened yet.


---------- Post added 18-03-2014 at 11:27 ----------


Suppose this proves that men are sexist pigs and women are gold diggers, both as bad as each other


It doesn't prove any generalities at all. And I can't see how it would prove anything about gold digging.

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I think you started a thread about police presence ioutside pubs in town and that you told your boyfriend to pass it all and pretend they don't exist and that is why you don't like English men or go out with them? Because they all act the same?


1 - I did not start a thread. Someone else started a thread.


2 - I said in an indirect way "Dear OP, please don't take this to heart, because even I have been accused and got the situation wrong before but one can only laugh about it. It was like when my bf and I walked through town, and then we saw a bunch of people congregating and ready to kick off, when I was younger, I used to find this intimidating, but I have let this go now and walk through pretending that there may not be a fight that is about to happen and occur, even though I am scared of such situation to be honest. I can assume that you may find it intimidating when those women sit and gaggle that way. Please pretend to not see and walk away. Even my bf sensed the atmosphere and we both don't like what is likely to happen next."


3 - The OP then got curious as to why my bf also have never seen this situation before. So I kindly explained that he is not from around here and he is also not English. (To be honest, I did not have to explain myself here. I would also assumed that he is fine with me dating someone of my own choosing. No? Shouldn't that be the case?)


4 - He then flipped and said that my bf is a softie, in not wanting to support football, or to have seen this kind of situation, and obviously I flipped, cos he implied that my bf is less of a man ! Yes, I then touted back and said that I don't like guys who actually act like a hooligan and I personally find that intimidating. He then had a go at me for explaining why I like my bf, and then he assumed that it was having a go at every other English guy. How the heck does he work that one out, despite me trying to gently say, "don't worry about the women in the cafe" to begin with to him, as a way to extend my sympathy, to attacking me and my personal life, even when I tried to say not to worry about it. From that point onwards I distrusted him. You hurt me, I do not care all that much for you any more. Simple.


5 - I did not generalise and say that I won't go out with anybody English, but I know when he started to attack me, my personal life and choices too, then I clarified to him that I dated a gentlemen who treated me well and he was working in the banking industry. So yes, why should I subject myself to abuse from a guy that I want to date ? It makes no sense. My point is to let him know that I differentiate the different kind of guys and which ones I prefer or not. There is nothing wrong with that. He took offence to that and reacted. Even though he is not the one dating. Yet, he did not seem to accept what I said as "just". It was like he felt he had a right to my life ? How does that work then?


If he wishes to accept my intent and understand where I am coming from, then he could have. Or he could have read into what I wrote and think that it is to do with his own agenda, then so be it. There is nothing that I can do about that. He peeved me off and of course I will react.

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Kindly cease the personal attacks and discuss the topic of the thread, if you wish to discuss other topics from other threads then post in those please.

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I realised slowly that, certain individuals became homosexuals are to protect themselves in this ugly business. I now realised why femininity was indeed suppressed, and to a large extent too. I can now see why Sandy Toksvig is also a lesbian too.


What an offensive idea. You don't choose your sexuality.

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Good for them both. I've had to deal with some nasty comments too, and I overlooked this by both accounts. I would say that it takes a lot of guts actually to push for this kind of trial.




Maybe this chap is innocent of any crime.


Not guilty until proven in a Law Court.



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