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Right of way question.

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Im in my car traveling in slow moving traffic (less that 10 mph) and there is a row of cars behind me all traveling at the same speed and then i indicate left to turn off the road and into another.

A cyclist comes barreling down the road at well over 10 mph and ignores or dosent see the fact im indicating and turning off the road. Im in the middle of my maneuver before he is in sight. He almost came a cropper and went onto the path, just missed a women on crutches and then stopped, dismounted and then verbally abused me and my passenger (a 5 year old girl i was taking to school) and then the women on crutches before getting on his bike and heading off.

Ignoring the abuse the moron hurled at us who was in the right in terms of the maneuver? I maintain i was in the right, id checked my mirrors, i indicated, he was no where in sight, i started my maneuver and then he appeared. My car is equipped with a quad cam setup so had it resulted in damage im confident id be ok in terms of the insurance.


By the way, this moron is not what most cyclists behave like, for the most part they are ok, quite sensible and mostly do the right thing but theres an element of tools out there who do this sort of thing then do a runner when theyve caused damage. Im aware that there are lots of car drivers who are idiots too. This isnt about that, all i want to know is who was in the right?

Should he have waited? He was behind me, i was maneuvering and i was signalling and when i started my turn he was no where in sight.


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Here is where the problem could be.


I maintain i was in the right, id checked my mirrors, i indicated, he was no where in sight, i started my maneuver and then he appeared.


You don't say anything about a second mirror check just before starting the maneuver.


Check mirrors, indicate, slow down, check again just before turning.


You need to remember that some cyclists are children, some are thrill seekers and like to take risks, they haven't passed a test so some don't know the rules of the road, you should have been taught to look out for all vulnerable road users.

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Sorry, i didnt want to put too much detail in the post and make it too long. Yes i did the second check too.


In that case its difficult to picture where he came from, unless he was in your blind spot during the second mirror check.

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If you were indicating then he should have waited. I travel along the left hand side of slow moving traffic on my bike as I think it's safer than being in the middle of the road sandwiched between the queue and oncoming traffic, but if a vehicle is indicating left I appreciate the fact they're doing it right and wait behind!

The problem comes when people don't indicate and just peel off (probably not checking mirrors either...).


Or, as happened to me last night, speed up to overtake then cut me up to turn left :rant:

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In that case its difficult to picture where he came from, unless he was in your blind spot during the second mirror check.

Its pretty irrelevant as thats nothing to do with what im asking. Thanks though :)


---------- Post added 19-03-2014 at 11:38 ----------


Most cars clearly have indicators on both the front and the rear.


Do you have ones on the side as well?


Who are you asking?

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Most cars clearly have indicators on both the front and the rear.


Do you have ones on the side as well?


All cars post 1986 have side indicators.


@OP. In my opinion you were in the right. Cyclists need to be aware of vehicles turning left when they are undertaking. Failure to stop in such situations is stupid at best, deadly at worst.



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50:50 if you ask me. You have a responsibility to signal and check your mirrors before doing the manouver but you didn't see him. He has a responsibility to not overtake (on the inside) cars signalling to turn left but didn't see your signal. I suspect his adrenaline levels may have also played a part in his outburst... his shock will have been worse than yours!

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