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How much Compensation

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It's not dificult to believe at all, they are plenty of people who will accept that a job needs to be done regardless of the possibilities of accidents! What i find hard to believe is that anyone would think they would lose their job if they refused to use a tool to do a job if they knew the risks...


common sense would put an end to a lot of the solicitors and claimants out for a pound


Except in this case the employee was unaware that the incorrect equipment had been provided. The employer has already admitted liability so I really don't see what the problem is in awarding compensation... or do you think employers should hold no responsibility for providing a safe working environment?



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Steady on chelle:hihi: Ive never claimed for anything myself,but if the o/p was completly blameless and still suffering,then he might be entitled.If you had fell down the stairs due to something being spilt,would you have still took complete responsibility.


Sorry! i do go on a rant sometime :hihi:


Erm, no i truly dont think i would... I've worked for the same company for 12 years, it's a very small family run business and i am very fond of my employers and i dont think i'd want to put a claim in and have to go through all the rig moral of it...


It would be a different story if the factory blew up though and my face melted!!! then yeah.... Worth it :D

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Then my sincerest apologies, if you nor the management failed to realise at the time then fare do's...


But there a lot of cases where people have still gone on to use something they know to be faulty etc then something has happened, and a lot of people still seem to think they'll get the sack for refusing to use faulty tools etc.


This is simply not true.


I agree, But in the business i was in, they didn't have to sack you, just not provide work. :help:

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Except in this case the employee was unaware that the incorrect equipment had been provided. The employer has already admitted liability so I really don't see what the problem is in awarding compensation... or do you think employers should hold no responsibility for providing a safe working environment?




See what i've just put above..

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Sorry! i do go on a rant sometime :hihi:


Erm, no i truly dont think i would... I've worked for the same company for 12 years, it's a very small family run business and i am very fond of my employers and i dont think i'd want to put a claim in and have to go through all the rig moral of it...


It would be a different story if the factory blew up though and my face melted!!! then yeah.... Worth it :D


I can understand that,and in the same position i think i would do the same.But being a family run business who you are fond of,and i presume they are of you,hopefully they would have had some concern and understanding for you.[thats if you were off work cos of it]:)

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I can understand that,and in the same position i think i would do the same.But being a family run business who you are fond of,and i presume they are of you,hopefully they would have had some concern and understanding for you.[thats if you were off work cos of it]:)


I sit at a desk typing on a comp and eat choc biscuits!! i'm not paid danger money :hihi:


And i'd like to think im a 'proper' hard yorkshire bird who wouldn't need weeks off with a sprained wrist or ankle!! :D

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I sit at a desk typing on a comp and eat choc biscuits!! i'm not paid danger money :hihi:


And i'd like to think im a 'proper' hard yorkshire bird who would need weeks off with a sprained wrist or ankle!! :D


Good on ya:thumbsup:[ but im guessing you meant,WOULD NOT need weeks off.:) Ha Ha you spotted it.

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