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New trend, guys with bushy beards

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How would a man feel if thier lady did not shave thier underarms or legs. I could not kiss a man with a bushy beard, stubble yeah but ewwww is all i can say, in my eyes just as bad as hairy backs, feet and arms. No offence meant, but just my opinion.

Edited by lubylou12
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On a similar note I have noticed the "naked face selfies" on face that women supposed to be doing to help donate 3 pound to charity, bit they hardly have ever put on how you donate and when you read they comments they are from other women saying things like "you look fab babe" just another self esteem ego trip me thinks :)
£2mill and counting raised for Cancer Research UK in two days, for the selfies. Text BEAT to 70099 to donate £3. Other cancer charities have also benefited as well, so they say.


I think at first girls weren't advertising their own donation until people starting criticising and demanding to be shown proof, then people started posting their confirmation texts and so it went.


Some of us guys did selfies with make-up on, and now there's sock on a c**k as well, if you fancy baring all, or almost all. ;) No thanks.


Quicker and less excruciating than having to sit through an evening of sports relief.

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I have had a beard since my 20s,as a young Tup I trimmed it short and shaved my neck,it used to be a luxuriant light ginger colour!.It has progressed to a pure white making me look a very distinguished old geezer,one footnote for the girls if you are kissed by a man without a beard its like having egg without salt!.


I have to agree with the last bit :hihi:

I always liked a beard on a man, if it suits him of course, and I prefer it to be quite neat.

My fella has a goatee,very much like the one in Bonzo's avatar :)

Beards don't cause stubble rash. The only issue I have is that my very long hair, which has a mind of its own, is forever getting random errant strands caught in it :hihi:

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Had a 'bushy beard' for a few years now, occasionally shave it off, did get it to just over half a foot at one point, and into a point.

Seems to be received quite well by most women.


What annoys me, is the people who have a weeks worth of stubble and start going on about their 'beard'. Seen some people take a month to grow a tiny bit of stubble and then call it a beard.


It's stubble till it reaches an inch in length IMO.

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