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Tories budget ad 'beyond satire'

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Like most people I thought this was a spoof yesterday.....




Even the writers on 'The Thick Of It' thought it too far fetched


Genuinely, if that Conservative beer & bingo ad had come up at a Thick Of It script meeting we’d have rejected it as being too far-fetched.

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Oh I don't know, the Tories 'beer and bingo' ad proves beyong reasonable doubt that the Tories really are the party of the workers and the underdog.

Never let it be said that the Tories doesn't know what it's like to be patronised and looked down upon for not having sufficient money to be considered one of the "in crowd" - Gorge Osborne, for example, was even called "oik" at Oxford by other members of the Bullindon Club because he attended St. Paul's rather than Eton http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/the-bullingdon-club-when-gentlemen-fall-out-973702.html :hihi:

I say, Eton's Den, number 10

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I agree. Its very condescending.


I look forward to finding out more about this ad, whether its official and was sanctioned by the party.


It appeared on Twitter initially tweeted by Grant Schnapps account. There's every chance he knocked it together himself being the internet wizard that Green Shapps is.

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It shows how out of touch and out of their depth the Tory party really are. They're attempting to put sticky tape across the stable door, long after the horse has bolted. The jobs at thousands of bingo halls are gone and will not return. The pubs have gone and will not return. Gone are the days when the majority of hardworking people can afford either pleasures whilst they struggle to pay for the essentials. The only people who are not feeling the recession in a negative way is the super rich. This budget is insane.

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