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Tories budget ad 'beyond satire'

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They are trying to keep the blue rinse brigade happy because they vote and vote in very large numbers. If young people voted in very large numbers they would prepare a budget (albeit one like this that faffs around the edges and doesn't achieve anything major) that might get them an extra vote or two. Unfortunately the young uns have the sainted Russell brand fighting their corner telling them not to vote so will get sweet jack nix in terms of election freebies.


A bit like the time Labour sent texts to young people offering to bring in 24 hour drinking if you voted for them.




FWIW I think the current Conservative advert shows a down to earth sense of humour and will attract far more attention than some serious list of policies like political ads so often are.

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And it's very revealing about who the Tories think the hardworking people are. Basically they are the drones and cheaper beer and bingo are the drone fuel.


It's actually a bit Victorian but people (even the drones) are a bit more sophisticated these days.


Actually its more Roman, bread and circuses. Rather appropriate as we seem to have a cross between Caligula and Nero in charge :)

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They think that George Orwell's 1984 is an instruction manual. First the relentless CCTV, now this....


“So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern...Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbours, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.

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FWIW I think the current Conservative advert shows a down to earth sense of humour and will attract far more attention than some serious list of policies like political ads so often are.


Yeah right. It didn't actually show any intended humour at all. It was based on an assumption that the proles just want cheaper beer and bingo and they'll be happy. And if you think the price of beer and bingo are of more concern to voters than the NHS, education, jobs, etc, then you presumably went to Eton with your chums in the Bullingdon Club, hey what.

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And it's very revealing about who the Tories think the hardworking people are. Basically they are the drones and cheaper beer and bingo are the drone fuel.


It's actually a bit Victorian but people (even the drones) are a bit more sophisticated these days.


So now the bingo halls are gong to be heaving with people wanting cheap bingo and beer as the tories seem to think?


They can't really win can they. If they'd put tax up, then every post would be 'same old tories punishing the poorer people', yet if they lower it, it's 'just trying to wins votes' or whatever.


I doubt people will go to bingo halls in droves, but numbers seem to be dwindling since I used to work there. I'd rather see people going rto bingo halls than all these bookkmakers that labour allowed to open.

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Its always the same. The last two budgets before the election are considered "bribes" by whichever media don't like the government at the time, especially the Daily Mirror. If Labour were in power no doubt they'd be saying its testament to how great they are and that they should be re-elected.


One thing about the beer duty, wasn't that cut last election too, and fuel duty frozen? They weren't election bribes. Although fuel is still expensive, its been stable for quite a long time.

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Its always the same. The last two budgets before the election are considered "bribes" by whichever media don't like the government at the time, especially the Daily Mirror. If Labour were in power no doubt they'd be saying its testament to how great they are and that they should be re-elected.


One thing about the beer duty, wasn't that cut last election too, and fuel duty frozen? They weren't election bribes. Although fuel is still expensive, its been stable for quite a long time.


It has. That is something that I have to keep my eye on. I use so much of course!

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I think the worst ads are the ones that say hardworking families.

Are they saying that people who have worked hard all their life and have now retired are somehow second class citizens and don't require any consideration ?

Then there is also the massive insult to single hardworking people.

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I think the worst ads are the ones that say hardworking families.

Are they saying that people who have worked hard all their life and have now retired are somehow second class citizens and don't require any consideration ?

Then there is also the massive insult to single hardworking people.


That's one of my pet hates too. Hardworking families don't exist - hardworking parents maybe, but kids in general are bone idle and take far more out of society than they contribute to it!

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They can't really win can they. If they'd put tax up, then every post would be 'same old tories punishing the poorer people', yet if they lower it, it's 'just trying to wins votes' or whatever.


I doubt people will go to bingo halls in droves, but numbers seem to be dwindling since I used to work there. I'd rather see people going rto bingo halls than all these bookkmakers that labour allowed to open.


If they were really concerned about betting shops the Tories have had 4 years to sort it out. Nowt done. In fact just two months ago the government voted down proposals to give local councils powers to control the spread of fixed odds terminals. One party introduces something the other carries it on. Same old story.


You need to see the Shapps gaffe for what it is. It's not a party vs party thing, just a very funny screw up.

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