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Finding a good toilet

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I'm looking for a new toilet for our home.


It's really hard to find good reviews or information, because the topic isn't very nice -- but we all need toilets and I hope you won't mind me asking.


I think we're expected to just go to a bathroom fixtures shop or B&Q and pick the one that looks good and we can afford. But I notice that some toilets really work much better than others, and it is this info I can't seem to find. (There are some decent American sites, but when I found models I like on them, I can't find them here in Sheffield.)


The criteria that are important to me.


1. Comfortable/large enough. A lot of new toilets are not a good size for even moderately fat people.


2. Tends to resist "skid marks". No toilet is perfect for this, but there is a great deal of variation, and it would be nice to have one that doesn't require brushing every time.


3. Is reliable.


4. Isn't hideous looking.


5. Would prefer a side handle to top button so we can keep reading material on top of the tank.


I thought I had the problem sussed. I would just find a toilet in a public place that I like, and buy one of those. But it appears the home market is completely different from the commercial market.


Anyway, if any of you know of good toilets, or good sites for information, I'd be very grateful for your advice.



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I'd try and get an "old-style" siphon toilet with a handle rather than a "modern" valve toilet with a push button.


The manufacturers make it so the valves need replacing every couple of years. Water runs continually through the toilet until you replace the valve. This wastes a lot of water and is a hassle.


I met the fella from Interflush as Sheffield Green Fair and he's quite evangelical about it.



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