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Push bike accidents

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Isnt it about time bikes were made to have Insurance . road tax . m.o.t. / They are now involved in a lot off accidents and some off them there fault. Motorist have a lot of trouble claiming off them if they get there car scratched or damaged . They ride down your near side as if they own the road and give you verbal if you say anything. They come down your near side in heavy traffic and stare at you as if you were the idiot ./ Maybe they should be made to take a profficency test as well no wonder so many are getting killed. They are on the road so should pay road tax .// MAKE THEM PAY INSURANCE THEY NEED IT. Lots of them are clowns and need supervision. we all know that so now is the time to bring them up to date. NO good saying there should be cycle paths on every road its not going to happen so get real make them responsible for there own actions. :rant::rant:

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So how do you explain all these cars which are on the road and don't pay road tax:






Every vehicle on the road is on there without road tax.


The yearly/6 monthly ticket you pay for is based on your emission of pollutants.

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Every vehicle on the road is on there without road tax.


The yearly/6 monthly ticket you pay for is based on your emission of pollutants.

I see your point but what about insurance / road worthiness / and a licence to say you are capable to handle a bike in heavy traffic some cyclists are like scared rabbits cought in the headlights. :rant::rant:

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you will always get the ones that push into spaces far too small to get through.

when i am waiting at the lights or a junction if there is a car turning left or a bus or lorry in front of me i always stay behind them, (just in case). but i get abuse from fellow cyclist who cant believe that i don't push ahead and risk my life for those few precious feet to get in front of everything.

they are dicing with death if that's how they ride.:loopy::loopy:

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you will always get the ones that push into spaces far too small to get through.

when i am waiting at the lights or a junction if there is a car turning left or a bus or lorry in front of me i always stay behind them, (just in case). but i get abuse from fellow cyclist who cant believe that i don't push ahead and risk my life for those few precious feet to get in front of everything.

they are dicing with death if that's how they ride.:loopy::loopy:


Yes you have proven my point ./ There are to many clowns on push bikes they expect a 20 ton lorry to move over for them and give the driver verbal if they dont. Lots off times the lorry driver doesnt know they are there they shoot up the inside in a flash . It happens all the time what numptys they should be fined for dangerous driving :rant::rant:

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I see your point but what about insurance / road worthiness / and a licence to say you are capable to handle a bike in heavy traffic some cyclists are like scared rabbits cought in the headlights. :rant::rant:


We have plenty of people with a driving licence and yet their standard of driving is appalling at times.


Licence, road worthiness test, tax. It's never going to happen for cyclist.

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Isnt it about time bikes were made to have Insurance . road tax . m.o.t. / They are now involved in a lot off accidents and some off them there fault. Motorist have a lot of trouble claiming off them if they get there car scratched or damaged . They ride down your near side as if they own the road and give you verbal if you say anything. They come down your near side in heavy traffic and stare at you as if you were the idiot ./ Maybe they should be made to take a profficency test as well no wonder so many are getting killed. They are on the road so should pay road tax .// MAKE THEM PAY INSURANCE THEY NEED IT. Lots of them are clowns and need supervision. we all know that so now is the time to bring them up to date. NO good saying there should be cycle paths on every road its not going to happen so get real make them responsible for there own actions. :rant::rant:


Perhaps you are an idiot. They are allowed to come down the near side when filtering through traffic. So why would you be "saying" anything?


Any barrier to the uptake of cycling reduces the uptake and thus increases the danger. Do you want to put more cyclists lives at risk?

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