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First prosecutions for Female Genital Mutilation

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Surely not before time as well.

There must be thousands of parents and doctors complicit in this crime throughout the UK yet it's only now we get a prosecution.


I suppose it's one of those crimes that is mostly hidden and few victims will speak out for fear of their parents being gaoled but there must be a degree of complicity from the medical profession and maybe just a basic unwillingness to get involved


"The UK has in the past been compared unfavourably to other countries over the issue, such as France where there have been more than 100 successful prosecutions.


MPs have said it is "unforgivable" that there have been no UK prosecutions since laws against FGM were introduced nearly 30 years ago.


This was despite more than 140 referrals to police in the past four years."

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In order to instil this odious act in the minds of the public I hope the sentencing is severe if found guilty. A clear sign that if you mutilate a child you go away for a VERY long time..no ifs or buts.

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I don't think we should assume guilt before a trial. The article looks shaky, or makes the case against them look shaky...


It was alleged that following a patient giving birth in November 2012, a doctor at the Whittington Hospital repaired female genital mutilation that had previously been performed on the woman, allegedly carrying out female genital mutilation himself.


Two doctors, who probably haven't done any FGM getting prosecuted?


What about all the parents who take their daughters abroad to have it done? Isn't that a crime?

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