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First prosecutions for Female Genital Mutilation

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And those victims have been asking for our support for years...........

Who is "we" ? Did you speak to those specific individuals personally ?


It does NOT degrade those women- it should be shaming those who have committed the act and hopefully prevent others from continuing the practice

You know what, as a woman reading this, I find it horrendous that you feel that you should get involved in this kind of thing. Why don't you let those women take care of it themselves and raise this to the level that they wanted to ? I do not see this as an issue that you need to get involved in. If anything, it is something and a strength that they need to find to make changes, if they so wish to do so. That is their right. This is not YOUR fight. This is their fight, if they wish to fight this.


On the other flip side, I find it horrible to read this kind of involvement and then also get verbally abused by various men on this thread alone. I find that quite strange to see, and to experience.


How do you know that you are not degrading those women already ? I find what you write here pretty vulgar, and everyone else who seems to be so blaise about how they are approaching this.


---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 01:56 ----------


Are you for real ?


It has everything to do with OUR law if it happens here


Who is controlling the women, do you think they like being mutilated ?


Do you think these women CAN fight against this without intervention ?


Your post shows just how far off the ball you really are. :loopy:


If people wanted to be subjective, then they should have talked in a subjective manner and not this personal and sickening approach and vulgarity, as if they own the bodies of these women. I find it sick that people can talk about female parts as if they have an ownership to it. Seriously.


I actually find it wrong to read male citizens commenting on things which they shall never experience, and can not experience, and yet wanting to exert control over it as if they could do so. I really do.


Are you sure that you are not angst because you think I am stopping your "voice" in this "debate" ? You guys talk as if you know what it is like, and as if you are the person going through this kind of thing, and wanting this to be stopped. Again, this is NOT your fight. If you respect others as having an equal opinion and a political voice, then give it to THEM.

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We are all equal here, you don't get preferential treatment for being a woman.


This topic makes people aware of a practice that is about abuse of women in this country, how dare you try and tell people they should not discuss it !


People have a right to get mad, annoyed or whatever they want about acts that we think human beings should not have to endure, we have laws against it for that very reason and should talk about it until we can get this practice stopped.

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HER ! Yes, I am a woman, and I find it revolting to have to read this thread actually, along with the other thread too about PIE. You guys are way too inappropiate and socially disturbing with these kind of numerous threads that you dig up collectively and the way you guys talk as well with no regards to others is just too much.



I judge a man/woman by his or her action.


Why should I have to put up with this kind of crap and read this here ? Or to get abuse from you for even raising this fact. Do you not see the sadistic angle that I see here and how people say things, and how they are writing and insinuating and so forth ? Caring or controlling ? I am a woman, and I am raising my concerns here and you do not even care how I feel, so why should I believe that you are doing so cos you care for these women ? How ironic.


It is disgusting.


You do not see me starting a thread about prostate cancer, and go way into details about how horrible it can be and go into excruciating details of how harmful and hurtful it can be. *Frowns*


---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 01:21 ----------



You are absolutely right, and I shall edit before I break the rules, and put the moderators in a difficult position. I shall do that now.


I'm really sorry you find this thread so offensive. It certainly isn't intended to offend but it is a difficult and unpleasant subject. The fact that it happens in this country in the 21st Century is surely more disturbing than offensive.


It is something that isn't talked about which makes it almost secretive, and that secrecy allows it to continue and to thrive. Therefore by bringing it into the open and shining the cold light of day upon it, and reminding people that it is actually very much against the law, it might make people think twice before they commit this act, and also inform young women that they have the right to refuse it, and will be able to get help and support to do so.


FMG serves no purpose, medical or otherwise, and has no place in the modern world. It needs to become a thing of the past.

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We are all equal here, you don't get preferential treatment for being a woman.


This topic makes people aware of a practice that is about abuse of women in this country, how dare you try and tell people they should not discuss it !


People have a right to get mad, annoyed or whatever they want about acts that we think human beings should not have to endure, we have laws against it for that very reason and should talk about it until we can get this practice stopped.


You take that Equality Act too literally. It also states that women should be allowed to be WOMEN. So yes, I do not think that you should talk about women's female parts as if you own them. Sorry! This is NOT equality. It is suppression. On a human level, that is quite sick. And do not use the "law" this way as if you can do this. Please.


Yes, I am also finding this behaviour of yours and various others quite sickening too. Don't you realise that ? And yet, you kind of push others and state that they do not have this kind of right ? When really it is not your fight to fight. Don't you see how you have overstepped this kind of line ?


No wonder PIE thrived in this city. That is so sick.



Sorry. I am not going to post further, cos I can find myself tearing up with this angriness coming from you. Over a topic which you should not even get involve din, and you are harrassing me on this alone ? Your behaviour is so sick to my stomach. That is just so wrong. I find people's political inclination quite disturbing to a very high level. That is not democracy. That is bullying and activism. I know the difference between the two. As you are not the woman involved in this and why the pushiness from you on a subject on others who should fight for themselves and their own rights? The fact that you are taking their rights from them, and removing their voting rights and their own voices and make it yours is so wrong imho. To then to even fight me, and thinks that I am in the wrong for mentioning that you are overstepping that line and boundary.


I have nothing more to say.


Women should not be bullied in society and nor should they be marginalised, and they should have the right to a voice. Yes, I do not want to fight with you verbally and to receive your abuse any more either.

Edited by salsafan
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You take that Equality Act too literally. It also states that women should be allowed to be WOMEN. So yes, I do not think that you should talk about women's female parts as if you own them. Sorry! This is NOT equality. It is suppression. On a human level, that is quite sick. And do not use the "law" this way as if you can do this. Please.

Here in the UK we can talk about what we like and 'dislike'. Now if that means talking about other cultures coming here and mutilating the female genitalia then we will tall about it. If you don't like this then go.



Yes, I am also finding this behaviour of yours and various others quite sickening too. Don't you realise that ? And yet, you kind of push others and state that they do not have this kind of right ? When really it is not your fight to fight. Don't you see how you have overstepped this kind of line ?


Its every ones fight !

If it happens here then EVERYONE has a right to confront it.

So your actually saying we should not stop this or discuss it ?


You must be some sort of crazy person, this is not some back water dictatorship where you can close down discussion ,this is the UK. :loopy:

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Here in the UK we can talk about what we like and 'dislike'. Now if that means talking about other cultures coming here and mutilating the female genitalia then we will tall about it. If you don't like this then go.


Its every ones fight !

If it happens here then EVERYONE has a right to confront it.

So your actually saying we should not stop this or discuss it ?


You must be some sort of crazy person, this is not some back water dictatorship where you can close down discussion ,this is the UK. :loopy:

You are really really good.

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You take that Equality Act too literally. It also states that women should be allowed to be WOMEN. So yes, I do not think that you should talk about women's female parts as if you own them. Sorry! This is NOT equality. It is suppression. On a human level, that is quite sick. And do not use the "law" this way as if you can do this. Please.


Yes, I am also finding this behaviour of yours and various others quite sickening too. Don't you realise that ? And yet, you kind of push others and state that they do not have this kind of right ? When really it is not your fight to fight. Don't you see how you have overstepped this kind of line ?


No wonder PIE thrived in this city. That is so sick.



Sorry. I am not going to post further, cos I can find myself tearing up with this angriness coming from you. Over a topic which you should not even get involve din, and you are harrassing me on this alone ? Your behaviour is so sick to my stomach. That is just so wrong. I find people's political inclination quite disturbing to a very high level. That is not democracy. That is bullying and activism. I know the difference between the two. As you are not the woman involved in this and why the pushiness from you on a subject on others who should fight for themselves and their own rights? The fact that you are taking their rights from them, and removing their voting rights and their own voices and make it yours is so wrong imho. To then to even fight me, and thinks that I am in the wrong for mentioning that you are overstepping that line and boundary.


I have nothing more to say.


Women should not be bullied in society and nor should they be marginalised, and they should have the right to a voice. Yes, I do not want to fight with you verbally and to receive your abuse any more either.


This is just so Bazarre...


I would have thought this thread was actually trying to defend women's rights.

But we now seem to have been diverted into an argument regarding freedom of speech and how one offended individual can shut down a discussion by insisting that half the population (men) have no right to take part.

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This is just so Bazarre...


I would have thought this thread was actually trying to defend women's rights.

But we now seem to have been diverted into an argument regarding freedom of speech and how one offended individual can shut down a discussion by insisting that half the population (men) have no right to take part.


Thank you for a voice of reason.


Why should men not discuss the perverse act of female mutilation ?


This is what the forum is about discussion, this is not just a female matter, it one about the defense of what is right and wrong, and our laws and culture dictate that it is wrong.


Should we now have a male and female section on the forum ?

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Thank you for a voice of reason.


Why should men not discuss the perverse act of female mutilation ?


This is what the forum is about discussion, this is not just a female matter, it one about the defense of what is right and wrong, and our laws and culture dictate that it is wrong.


Should we now have a male and female section on the forum ?


I find it perversed that you can have a bigger voice on this matter than an actual woman who doesn't even want to talk about this !!!!


Yet you go ahead and bully me into submission cos I told you that this is outrageous how you behave on this subject and how others are going deep into the details and making it vulgar. Don't you have an ounce of feelings ?


Yet you then use that great "culture" card ?!? Wake up !!!




To be frank, I do not give a crap about what happened in the past and what and who is the suffragettes and so forth, but right now, I find it disturbing that so many others actually express their voice over those who should have the right to a voice. I also do not understand why others do not understand when a subject is actually quite socially inappropriate to discuss so widely and so out of out context to begin with ? Others are making a mockery and joking on such serious topics, and they are going into that kind of perversed area of discussion such that, I find it really quite sickening to be honest. People are really losing their own sense of compassion for their fellow man.


You say you support women, but then you are harassing me now, even when I am a woman here and is against this kind of subject to be so vulgarly discussed? Yet you went straight away and actually attacked ME personally and swiped at me using that "culture card "? To be honest, I never understand when others keep saying "card". What darn card ?

Edited by salsafan
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