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First prosecutions for Female Genital Mutilation

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Salsafan is, im afraid, displaying single handedly why the issue of FGM has not been tackled so far, the closed shop mentality.


Salsafan, by speaking as you are you are encouraging the practice to be kept a secret that you seem to think can only be discussed by others that share the same aim, be that cultural or religious. The right to safety and the voice to say this isnt right would never come from inside that religion or culture if that was the case, anyone who even dared to question the practice or spoke out would soon be convinced that they were wrong and find little support from within.

Thats why people are commenting, not in an effort to upset you or overwrite your rights but to let anyone who is having the thoughts that this is wrong know they they have support and a voice that can be heard.


I find it very disturbing that you are speaking like you are and have the opinions you do, it smacks of indoctrunation and dare i say it, brainwashing to me and im sure im not alone in that thought although i would welcome the thoughts of others.

Most religions practice this to a certain extent though from my experience so its not a personal attack towards any religion or culture in particular.


I find myself agreeing also with people ive previously been at odds with on here before and that should tell you something.


No one is bullying you as you claim im afraid, and to propose thats what is happening is also a well known tactic to keep things in house.


Cults practice this with the a statement that goes along the lines of "you have now seen the light and are safe in a group of people who are likeminded, if you share your vision with friends and family and they cant see the way forward then they were never your true friend like we are and you should cut that negative force from your life"

That all helps to keep it in house and things never talked about and that is suppression.


The first rule of fight club.... Dont talk about fight club

The second rule of fight club......dont talk about fight club !


For things to change people need to challenge practices that have no place in the 21st century,to do this they need strength that cant always be built upon within the confines of a group that try to keep things under wraps, to know they have support and help will go along way to helping them speak out where they previously havent felt able to.


Thats all people are doing, offering support and compassion for anyone who feels suppressed or a lone voice.

Its a good thing not a bad one and there is no need to take offence.


---------- Post added 25-03-2014 at 17:04 ----------


Im not implying that any particular religion is a cult by the way just to add clarity.


Just pointing out that its a destructive statement sometimes used within a cult.


Any similarities anyone may draw to any religion is entirely up to them, just a broad statement.

Edited by yellowperil
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Nothing wrong with male circumcision, my willy is very pleasing to look at and functions like it should so why is male circumcision seen as mutilation by some?

Edited by mafya
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Nothing wrong with male circumcision, my willy is very pleasing to look at and functions like it should so why is male circumcision seen as mutilation by some?


Some girls can be forgiven for finding them quite intimidating mafya...



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Nothing wrong with male circumcision, my willy is very pleasing to look at and functions like it should so why is male circumcision seen as mutilation by some?


I agree, there is nothing wrong with it, if its your choice and done at an appropriate age, but it is wrong when a parent decides to do it for you.

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Nothing wrong with male circumcision, my willy is very pleasing to look at and functions like it should so why is male circumcision seen as mutilation by some?


There's nothing wrong with consensual male circumcision.

Many people (including many who have been involuntarily circumcised) are appalled by the act being carried out on somebody without their consent.


---------- Post added 25-03-2014 at 18:54 ----------


why is male circumcision seen as mutilation by some?

Because for some of those who it has happened to (who didn't and still don't want it), they consider themselves so...




-Inflict a violent and disfiguring injury on


-Inflict serious damage on

Edited by RootsBooster
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Salsafan is, im afraid, displaying single handedly why the issue of FGM has not been tackled so far, the closed shop mentality.


Salsafan, by speaking as you are you are encouraging the practice to be kept a secret that you seem to think can only be discussed by others that share the same aim, be that cultural or religious. The right to safety and the voice to say this isnt right would never come from inside that religion or culture if that was the case, anyone who even dared to question the practice or spoke out would soon be convinced that they were wrong and find little support from within.

Thats why people are commenting, not in an effort to upset you or overwrite your rights but to let anyone who is having the thoughts that this is wrong know they they have support and a voice that can be heard.


I find it very disturbing that you are speaking like you are and have the opinions you do, it smacks of indoctrunation and dare i say it, brainwashing to me and im sure im not alone in that thought although i would welcome the thoughts of others.

Most religions practice this to a certain extent though from my experience so its not a personal attack towards any religion or culture in particular.


I find myself agreeing also with people ive previously been at odds with on here before and that should tell you something.


No one is bullying you as you claim im afraid, and to propose thats what is happening is also a well known tactic to keep things in house.


Cults practice this with the a statement that goes along the lines of "you have now seen the light and are safe in a group of people who are likeminded, if you share your vision with friends and family and they cant see the way forward then they were never your true friend like we are and you should cut that negative force from your life"

That all helps to keep it in house and things never talked about and that is suppression.


The first rule of fight club.... Dont talk about fight club

The second rule of fight club......dont talk about fight club !


For things to change people need to challenge practices that have no place in the 21st century,to do this they need strength that cant always be built upon within the confines of a group that try to keep things under wraps, to know they have support and help will go along way to helping them speak out where they previously havent felt able to.


Thats all people are doing, offering support and compassion for anyone who feels suppressed or a lone voice.

Its a good thing not a bad one and there is no need to take offence.


---------- Post added 25-03-2014 at 17:04 ----------


Im not implying that any particular religion is a cult by the way just to add clarity.


Just pointing out that its a destructive statement sometimes used within a cult.


Any similarities anyone may draw to any religion is entirely up to them, just a broad statement.


A thoughtfully gentle and well put post. Wish I'd written it.

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I agree, there is nothing wrong with it, if its your choice and done at an appropriate age, but it is wrong when a parent decides to do it for you.


When you have it done as an infant it causes less pain, my youngest brother had it done aged 12 years old and was in pain for a good 2 weeks after the operation.

How many young children under 3 years that need to have an operation give their consent?

I don't agree with FGM as it is done for no reason at all, male circumcision has its benefits ie it's hygienic and pleasant to look at.

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