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First prosecutions for Female Genital Mutilation

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I don't doubt it, but if you read the article it might appear that the surgeon being prosecuted was simply working within the parameters that the woman's existing tissue allowed him/her.
It reads like he was just going to close her up again without attempting to help? It seems like there might be some hope for victims of this practise. There's this http://www.clitoraid.org/news.php?extend.39.2 and istr reading about a new hospital that's been built somewhere like Ethiopia for the same purpose, but they were refused permission to do the operations there.


Don't believe all the hype about male circumcision, a mate of mine had to have it done for medical reasons in his late 20s and he says it's just not the same anymore. Not to go too far into the reasons, don't want to upset salsafan anymore than necessary.

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  • 9 months later...

Not guilty verdicts.


The jury deliberated for just 20 minutes.


As I alluded to in the OP, of all the blindingly obvious example of parents sending their daughters abroad or children being abused here, the CPS decided to prosecute a doctor who had re-sown the woman after she had given birth and was bleeding profusely.


Dr Dharmasena said the woman was "insistent" that she wanted stitching back up - but denied he was a "puppet" to her demands.


The jury obviously believed him.

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