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First prosecutions for Female Genital Mutilation

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a)You know that people on here talk about loads of unpleasant aspects of human behaviour and....................

You mean that they have become this activistic group of people who is acting quite bullish and rude, and quite out of line overall ? If they wish to be against this, then they should indeed go ahead and join those specific groups and champion this and not talk jibberish online and drag others down the pan and be inflicted with this kind of hysterical mindless vulgarity.


b) If FGM had been talked about more openly in the past maybe there would have been an outcry and thousands of children would have been spared this barbaric torture

Really ? So you are saying that I should need to be subjected to this kind of chat socially and listen to this kind of thing day in day out ? Even though they do not understand why certain things happen in this and are this armchair warriors ? A lot of subjects are quite complex, and I would hazard a guess that you are beginning to push your values, and your own ideologies onto others, and onto the poor people, rather than to let them raise it out of their own desire and concerns and so forth.


I do not see anyone here starting a thread about online bullying, and socially inappropiate peace-disturbing vulgar threads.


It makes me angry that people can actually do this.





Anti-social behaviour is behaviour that lacks consideration for others and may cause damage to the society, whether intentionally or through negligence. This is the opposite of pro-social behaviour, which helps or benefits the society.[1]




The British government introduced ASBOs by the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. In the UK, a CRASBO is a "criminally related" ASBO. One local authority has published photos of those given ASBOs on an Internet site.[6] Anti-social behaviour includes a range of problems such as:[7][8]

being rude to members of the public

abandoning cars




dangerous driving

defecating/urinating in public

disturbing the peace

Edited by salsafan
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Come on its not talked about day in day out, its because FGM has been in the news because its the first prosecution in this country.

Everything is complex and what values am I trying to push onto you?

besides thinking it is barbaric and that it is a form of torture (I don't think I'm alone in that one!!)

and incidentally I think you'll find that a lot of 'the poor people' you want to raise it ARE raising it and ARE campaigning against and ARE calling for support to help get the practice ended.......


and there are threads on here about online bullies - just not today

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Come on its not talked about day in day out, its because FGM has been in the news because its the first prosecution in this country.

Everything is complex and what values am I trying to push onto you?

besides thinking it is barbaric and that it is a form of torture (I don't think I'm alone in that one!!)

and incidentally I think you'll find that a lot of 'the poor people' you want to raise it ARE raising it and ARE campaigning against and ARE calling for support to help get the practice ended.......


and there are threads on here about online bullies - just not today


Someone has to stick up for this vile act, leave him to it :hihi:


---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 01:02 ----------


Why did you create such an awful thread on a family forum Taxman ? I'm curious to know.


What are you some sort of apologist for this act ?


Why shouldn't people talk about something that is happening in this country that is so abhorrent ?


If you don't care what happens to these young women in this country then don't read it or go somewhere else, who are you to dictate what people should discuss on here ?

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Someone has to stick up for this vile act, leave him to it :hihi:

HER ! Yes, I am a woman, and I find it revolting to have to read this thread actually, along with the other thread too about PIE. You guys are way too inappropiate and socially disturbing with these kind of numerous threads that you dig up collectively and the way you guys talk as well with no regards to others is just too much.


What are you some sort of apologist for this act ?


Why shouldn't people talk about something that is happening in this country that is so abhorrent ?


If you don't care what happens to these young women in this country then don't read it or go somewhere else, who are you to dictate what people should discuss on here ?

I judge a man/woman by his or her action.


Why should I have to put up with this kind of crap and read this here ? Or to get abuse from you for even raising this fact. Do you not see the sadistic angle that I see here and how people say things, and how they are writing and insinuating and so forth ? Caring or controlling ? I am a woman, and I am raising my concerns here and you do not even care how I feel, so why should I believe that you are doing so cos you care for these women ? How ironic.


It is disgusting.


You do not see me starting a thread about prostate cancer, and go way into details about how horrible it can be and go into excruciating details of how harmful and hurtful it can be. *Frowns*


---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 01:21 ----------


BS ?


Is that some sort of text talk, on Sheffield form ? :D


You are absolutely right, and I shall edit before I break the rules, and put the moderators in a difficult position. I shall do that now.

Edited by salsafan
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I think you will find a lot of the posters on here are women too.....


and if you find the subject difficult you don't have to read it...


and I think starting a thread on prostate cancer would be considered fine because it would raise awareness and give a space for people to talk about it.



and for any woman who has undergone female genital mutilation- there are support groups that can help you deal with the aftermath eg







or http://www.mayacentre.org.uk/dahlia-project-survivors-fgm/



or http://www.mwnuk.co.uk/Female_Genital_Mutilation_8_factsheets.php

Edited by Parvo
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Why should I have to put up with this kind of crap and read this here ? Or to get abuse from you for even raising this fact. Do you not see the sadistic angle that I see here and how people say things, and how they are writing and insinuating and so forth ? Caring or controlling ? I am a woman, and I am raising my concerns here and you do not even care how I feel, so why should I believe that you are doing so cos you care for these women ? How ironic.


It is disgusting.


You do not see me starting a thread about prostate cancer, and go way into details about how horrible it can be and go into excruciating details of how harmful and hurtful it can be. *Frowns*

And we are members of the forum also, raising our concerns. If you don't like that then its to tough.


Don't read it, don't get involved if you don't like it but don't try telling people they should not discuss topical things that happen in their own country. :rant:


If you want to start topics on prostates then do so, I don't see an issue in that, its you that has the problem here :loopy:

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I think you will find a lot of the posters on here are women too.....


and if you find the subject difficult you don't have to read it...


and I think starting a thread on prostate cancer would be considered fine because it would raise awareness and give a space for people to talk about it.


And I am one woman poster who is speaking out about this level of vulgarness. It does not make it less vulgar even if others decidedly to rave and rant about this in excruciating details without consideration of the feelings of any other members on this actual forum. This is afterall a public forum, and it is read by all, members and non-members alike. We cannot stop who reads this, but I would have thought that as adults, others would stop and consider their own actions before even posting online here. Which shall be read, by different people of different ages alike.


---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 01:29 ----------


And we are members of the forum also, raising our concerns. If you don't like that then its to tough.


Don't read it, don't get involved if you don't like it but don't try telling people they should not discuss topical things that happen in their own country. :rant:


If you want to start topics on prostates then do so, I don't see an issue in that, its you that has the problem here :loopy:


And stop controlling women !!! It is their bodies, and their families, and their fights and not your fights !! Not your body to be criticised, discussed, shamed, and talked of as if you own their bloomin bodies. Law or no laws.


---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 01:33 ----------


I think you will find a lot of the posters on here are women too.....


and if you find the subject difficult you don't have to read it...


and I think starting a thread on prostate cancer would be considered fine because it would raise awareness and give a space for people to talk about it.

But I would not degrade men this way and talk so undignified at this kind of level. Sorry.


and for any woman who has undergone female genital mutilation- there are support groups that can help you deal with the aftermath eg



or http://www.mayacentre.org.uk/dahlia-project-survivors-fgm/

or http://www.mwnuk.co.uk/Female_Genital_Mutilation_8_factsheets.php

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It is their bodies, and their families, and their fights and not your fights !! Not your body to be criticised, discussed, shamed, and talked of as if you own their bloomin bodies. Law or no laws.


---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 01:33 ----------



But I would not degrade men this way and talk so undignified at this kind of level. Sorry.


And those victims have been asking for our support for years...........



It does NOT degrade those women- it should be shaming those who have committed the act and hopefully prevent others from continuing the practice

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And stop controlling women !!! It is their bodies, and their families, and their fights and not your fights !! Not your body to be criticised, discussed, shamed, and talked of as if you own their bloomin bodies. Law or no laws.


Are you for real ?


It has everything to do with OUR law if it happens here


Who is controlling the women, do you think they like being mutilated ?


Do you think these women CAN fight against this without intervention ?


Your post shows just how far off the ball you really are. :loopy:

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