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Clegg v Farage / LBC Debate

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You never addressed the main-issue facing the NHS: A growing elderly population that lives longer each year, makes the system struggle because there are fewer people entering the profession than required. But clearly your 'facts' are more valuable than mine in your opinion, a point I made about ten posts ago.


I don't need to address it because whether we are in or out of the EU that situation stays the same, and the free movement of people doesn't help to solve that problem, if anything it makes it worse, because elderly EU citizens are free to come here and use the NHS.



it can be, but will it be? Farage has said he wants to lower taxes, don't you think that is where he will need this money? He also has expensive plans for the NHS, in fact, he has a lot of plans that are uncosted and unaccounted for.


Sorry I thought you was trying to show that coming out of the EU would be disastrous.


Same points as above. You still made a really dumb point that making EU students pay the same as overseas students is somehow going to increase foreign students coming. I like how you half maintain that point with your opinion rather than reflect upon the fact that the top Universities in this country have made it very clear they want to stay in the EU and that leaving would be detrimental.


I didn't make that statement.



So you now completely changed your earlier 'fact' because my 'fact' pointed out that your 'fact' was invalid? see what happens with 'facts'?


No I haven't, I posted that the majority want an in/out referendum, you posted that the majority want to stay in, these are two different facts, and are both irrelevant and prove nothing about the consequences of leaving the EU.



I already explained that EU migrants on the whole tend to contribute to the economy rather than take out of it.

Which isn't a fact, its simply your opinion which differs from my opinion.


You are confusing EU migrants that come here to work with asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants that come here to have a better life and actually cost the state money.

No I'm not, I haven't said anything about asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants.



It is easy to point at the Roma and say: see they all cause trouble! But in their case, isn't it the shady landlords that are the root cause? And what percentage are they of EU immigrants? Tiny, the majority you will never hear about because they are here, having well respected jobs, helping this country to move forward.

Who said anything about the Roma.:huh:


I realise in your world view you must be spot on and I must be an annoying internet troll who thinks he is spot on. That is indeed how it works, debating on the internet is never going to resolve anything. But don't tell me I have my facts wrong, or that you are 'trashing' them, because you are not. In my view you are just demonstrating your ignorance and unwillingness to actually debate on fact rather than on hearsay in public. And surprise, I am doing exactly the same in your view.


No you are just someone that expressed the opinion that everyone with a different opinion is short sighted and stupid, probably because you are convinced that your opinion is superior to the opinion of others.


I didn't say your facts are wrong, I said they don't show that leaving the EU would be disastrous.


---------- Post added 30-03-2014 at 10:42 ----------


A simple question - when was the last time that EU immigrants cost this country more than that they contributed?

Taken as an whole they constantly cost this country more than that they contribute.



A simple question - how many UK people live and work in the EU and how many enjoy their UK pensions in another country?

1.2 million but not relevant to the discussion on leaving the EU



A simple question - how big is the pressure on the Spanish Health Service as a result of all the grey immigrants they have?
Very small.




A simple question - how many cars produced in the UK are being exported to the EU?
Less than are imported from the EU


A simple question - how many people that work in universities are dependent on EU money?


A simple question - what is the difference between immigrants and asylum seekers?


A simple question - how is Farage going to afford his plans?
Same as any other party, taxation.


A simpler question - what are Farage's plans?


To put pressure on the main parties to have an in/out referendum on membership of the EU.

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A simple question - when was the last time that EU immigrants cost this country more than that they contributed?


A simple question - how many UK people live and work in the EU and how many enjoy their UK pensions in another country?


A simple question - how big is the pressure on the Spanish Health Service as a result of all the grey immigrants they have?


A simple question - what was the theme for Auf Wiedersehen Pet?


A simple question - how many cars produced in the UK are being exported to the EU?


A simple question - how many people that work in universities are dependent on EU money?


A simple question - what is the difference between immigrants and asylum seekers?


A simple question - how is Farage going to afford his plans?


A simpler question - what are Farage's plans?


I take it that you can not or will not answer the question posed? Its not that hard is it?

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I think its amazing that a national debate on such a major issue is being discussed not between Labour and the Conservatives but by UKIP and the Libdems.

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Yes, the red and blue sides are cowards, plain and simple !!!


In history, nobody remembers the ditherers but those with conviction.


---------- Post added 02-04-2014 at 17:13 ----------


Part 2 of this debate is on BBC 2 at 7 tonight so tune in if you want in or out !!!


---------- Post added 02-04-2014 at 19:58 ----------


Looks like Farage dominated this debate as well.


Clegg is a light weight and should never be trust just like Labour and Conservatives !!!

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