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Clegg v Farage / LBC Debate

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It can viewed here.




Thanks for that, will be viewing later.


Unfortunately, not voting will be interpreted as apathy, when nothing could be further from the truth. Much better to spoil your paper (I believe this figure has to be read out at the vote,) than not to vote at all.
I agree, I will be voting, but if I was undecided it would be a blank vote, best to do that then abstain completely.


See here> http://www.blankvote.org.uk/blank_votes_count.html

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I might be mistaken, but from some of your replies to threads concerning immigrants, one could conclude you are further along the UKiP side of the scale than the LD side.


I saw very little evidence of miss directing the audience or twisting facts, but then it all depends on which facts you believe in.


He twisted and misdirected the audience every time he was asked about the amount of people that have a right to work here, he just pointed out how the rules have been changed to stop them claiming benefits even though no one asked him about benefits.


He claimed their aren't 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians living in Romania and Bulgaria which is correct, but irrelevant because no one as claimed their are 29 million Romanians and Bulgarians living in Romania and Bulgaria.


When asked about deporting criminals his only answer was about the amount of criminals the government have imported to face trial here, he claimed it made our streets safer, even though our streets were already safe from them because they wasn't living in the UK.


He repeated time after time that we should deal with facts and not rhetoric even though he repeatedly used rhetoric.


He claimed the NHS would collapse if we stopped immigration which again is nonsense, and no one has said we should stop immigration.


He claimed we would loose billions if we stopped trading with the EU even though no one as said we should stop training with the EU.

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It is funny and rather predictable that the mainstream news outlets namely BBC, ITV and Channel 4 hardly reported it.


While Sky have actually gone up in my estimation by collaborating fantastically with LBC and it all flowed really well.


The LBC presenter Nick Ferrari did a fantastic job, left his ego out of the debate and rattled through the issues.


Something that BBC should try to emulate on the next debate, for the love of god don't let David Dimbleby host it.

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Farage dispelled the spurious claim that he is a racist by mentioning that he'd prefer immigration from India from people who has skills we need, rather than unskilled masses from Europe..


Spot on. The highest earning foreign nationals in the UK are Americans and New Zealanders. It makes no sense to place limitations on skilled workers from the rest of the world whilst having no control over who comes from the EU.


We don't need to ban immigration (which some people ignorantly claim is UKIP policy), we just need to be smarter at it.


---------- Post added 27-03-2014 at 19:50 ----------


It is funny and rather predictable that the mainstream news outlets namely BBC, ITV and Channel 4 hardly reported it.


While Sky have actually gone up in my estimation by collaborating fantastically with LBC and it all flowed really well.


The LBC presenter Nick Ferrari did a fantastic job, left his ego out of the debate and rattled through the issues.


Something that BBC should try to emulate on the next debate, for the love of god don't let David Dimbleby host it.


Put it on C4 Jack Whitehall or Jimmy Carr will end up hosting it. :hihi:

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I'm unfortunate enough to live in an area affected by the influx of Roma, my kids schools are now between 30-40% Roma.


Luckily we can afford to move out of the area which we are soon to do, and so we become part of the phenomenon known as "white flight".


Farage dispelled the spurious claim that he is a racist by mentioning that he'd prefer immigration from India from people who has skills we need, rather than unskilled masses from Europe..


Spot on.


I look forward to your white haven being overrun by Indians. Or you could ask Nigel to get his best mate Putin to have one of his oligarch mates rent you somewhere in a gateway community.

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It is funny and rather predictable that the mainstream news outlets namely BBC, ITV and Channel 4 hardly reported it.


While Sky have actually gone up in my estimation by collaborating fantastically with LBC and it all flowed really well.


The LBC presenter Nick Ferrari did a fantastic job, left his ego out of the debate and rattled through the issues.


Something that BBC should try to emulate on the next debate, for the love of god don't let David Dimbleby host it.


I noticed on the 10pm BBC News that when they were discussing who won the debate they failed to show the result of the Yougov poll that clearly showed the public stated that Farage had won..


---------- Post added 27-03-2014 at 20:33 ----------


I look forward to your white haven being overrun by Indians. Or you could ask Nigel to get his best mate Putin to have one of his oligarch mates rent you somewhere in a gateway community.


This post shows that this poster has given up on claiming Farage is racist and weakly attempts to criticize the posters. Some of whom have stated that they would prefer Indian's with skills to white Europeans who don't. Bit odd really, shows the blind attitude of UKIP's enemies..

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It is funny and rather predictable that the mainstream news outlets namely BBC, ITV and Channel 4 hardly reported it.


It was the lead item on the 10pm news on the World Tonight Radio 4 last night and a lead item on the Today news this morning.

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I look forward to your white haven being overrun by Indians. Or you could ask Nigel to get his best mate Putin to have one of his oligarch mates rent you somewhere in a gateway community.


Why do you want uncontrolled immigration to the rest of the world as well as the EU?

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I never think of UKIP (or Farage) as racist, he is married to an EU immigrant after all. What I do think is that he is wrong about the benefits of leaving the EU.


The bigger picture of 'saving 20 billion' is that if the UK was to leave the EU it would be sidelined in an increasingly global economy. It is hard to argue against that unless you prefer to view the world from an individualist perspective without regard of the bigger picture. Which is fine, you have a democratic right to do so, as do I have the democratic right to point out it is short-sighted.

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