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Which synopsis would make you want to read this book most?

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Hi there


I'm a self-publisher (non-fiction) who has just published a new book about work and organisations.


I've written three different synopses and I'm having difficulty deciding which one is most appealing to the casual browser.


I'm stuck and I have no choice but to ask you lovely people.


The links are below. I'd be extremely grateful if you could have a read and, if you manage to stay awake through all three, please let me know which you found the least dull!


1. http://www.fairday.co.uk/books/making-light-work-triptych-synopsis

2. http://www.fairday.co.uk/books/Making-Light-Work-Business

3. http://www.fairday.co.uk/books/making-light-work-by-peter-johnson


And hey, if it becomes a bestseller (doubtful) you can bask in the pride that you contributed to its success.


Very many thanks people!


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From number 2:

"Making Light Work: Rethinking the service organisation is our maiden excursion into book publishing, and it is an attempt to create just such a prism. - "


Making Light Work: Rethinking the service organisation creates just such a prism. - "


Be confident!


Number 1 is a broken link




I think I prefer number 3.

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It depends on who your target market.


If it's management and/or business students then maybe 2 is better suited. If this is an interesting book for the lay person to read then 3 is more appropriate.


I also couldn't read No 1.


Hope this helps.

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