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NATO concerned about increased troop levels on Moldavian border.

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Terrorism happens for a reason, go and educate yourself about why people resort to terrorism and specifically about Islamic terrorism than maybe you will understand better instead of the usual Islamic countries spreading to the west baseless assumption that you have posted.

The Muslim terrorists didn't just wake up one day thinking we will become terrorists did they?

The Irish terrorists didn't wake up one day and decide to be terrorists did they?

It's called thinking outside the box, try it and maybe you will have a better idea about why some people resort to terrorism.


No, its indoctrinated into them from a very young age as is the lie about all the virgins.

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Moldavia, another former soviet state, seems to be next in Putin's expansionist plans. NATO has observed a large increase in Russian military presence near the border with Transnistria. They are apparently waiting for the command to go.


Anybody who thought Russia was going to play nice once they got the Crimea is going to have to think again. This is going to get out of hand very soon.


If Putin wants to expand his country by invading Moldova i say let him do it.but i cant see why he wants this country under his power as its even more poorer than Bulgaria and Romania put together.

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If Putin wants to expand his country by invading Moldova i say let him do it.but i cant see why he wants this country under his power as its even more poorer than Bulgaria and Romania put together.


Yeah, appeasing tyrants is such a good idea.

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And if the Islamic countries was not trying to spread to the west and imported terrorism there do you think that Afghanistan and Iraq wars would have happened?


Are you the last person on the planet to think Saddam had WMD? Iraq wasn't an Islamic state either. It was secular.

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When you look at the map of Crimea, Russia has no easy land route into their new country. I thought there might be bridges crossing from Russia to the east of the Crimean peninsula, but no it's all ferries.


The only land route into Crimea is from the top and that means passing through Ukraine.

It would be a very obvious and sane thing fro the Russians to claim a corridor along the Sea of Azov to join up their regained Crimean territory with Mother Russia. I'd expect to see that happen soon.


Now Tsar Vladimir has control of Ukraine he could build a bridge over the Kirch straits and it would not surprise me if he started some hanky panky with the Ukranian cargo boats that use it.

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Terrorism happens for a reason, go and educate yourself about why people resort to terrorism and specifically about Islamic terrorism than maybe you will understand better instead of the usual Islamic countries spreading to the west baseless assumption that you have posted.

The Muslim terrorists didn't just wake up one day thinking we will become terrorists did they?

The Irish terrorists didn't wake up one day and decide to be terrorists did they?

It's called thinking outside the box, try it and maybe you will have a better idea about why some people resort to terrorism.


There is NO excuse for terrorism and those who use religions of peace and love as a shield for their evil acts cannot be expected to be judged favourably by God.


Likewise, there is NEVER an excuse for state-sponsored terrorism either.

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