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NATO concerned about increased troop levels on Moldavian border.

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Of cause they didn't, war and terrorism have always been part of Islam.


About the same as Christianity then.


---------- Post added 24-03-2014 at 15:44 ----------


It isn't about whether the population wants it or not, it is about legitimacy. Again, this sets a precedent nobody in the world wants, in the last millenium things like this were exactly the reason that entire countries got dragged into senseless wars for decades and decades.

We rely on this argument to maintain the Falkland Islands as British though, the right of the residents to decide their future. Why is Crimea different? (Not that I believe that the referendum was open and fair).


You might want to read some history books, they are rather perspective supplying.


You might never have heard of Moldova, or the Krim (education is hard to come by apparently) but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't care. I've given a number of examples before that will affect you here in the UK: Malvinas to Argentina, Gibraltar to Spain, many of the overseas protectorates have native claims on them.

And if the Gibraltans or Falkland Islanders voted to leave the UK then should we have the right to use force to stop them?


If you let this precedent develop it will undoubtedly result in an era of warfare. The only real war that the UK has been involved in in the past three decades was chase-the-terrorist; under whatever pretext and whether right or wrong, that was a war that did not touch the sovereignty of the UK. This type of war that Russia is pushing will.

It's not much of a war though is it, if it only involves people who wish to secede from one country and join another.

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I always find people overstate the self determinism of Crimea, only 58% is Russian speaking and there is no indicator how many of them are happy to go back to Russia. It shows how effective propaganda is.


I realise the Uk examples are stretches on the grounds that the UK is a democracy and if the people vote to leave, would let them leave. But it is the principle that is being discussed - should one nation be allowed to force a fake, rushed referendum on another nation in order to claim part of their sovereign estate?

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What would Russia want with Moldova anyway?


How are the troops massing there, it doesn't share a boarder with Russia - have Russian troops really invaded that deep into the Ukraine??


Russian troops have been stationed in Transnistria for over two decades now, following on from the civil war between the Republic of Moldova and the breakaway region.


These troops contribute to the peacekeeping force in the region together with the Ukrainians and Moldovans.

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