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Round Sheffield Run - New Multi Stage Trail Race

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This new race may interest a few of you.


The Round Sheffield Run is a multi-stage trail race around Sheffield on 29th June starting/finishing in Endcliffe Park.


The format could be a world first! ??


The route comprises 11 timed stages - racing over 20km of great trails and parkland around Sheffield.


Entries have been open 1 week, and is quickly gaining interest from all over the UK.


All the info and detailed maps at http://www.roundsheffieldrun.com


FB page: http://www.facebook.com/roundsheffieldrun


Any Qs ... give us a holler!

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Looks interesting, have the Humber Half Marathon on the same day though...


Just out of curiosity, how does it work with the stages? You can take as long as you like walking from the end of one stage to the beginning of the next? Someone notes your number and time at the start and finish of each stage? Or are all the stages individually chipped?

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Sure you can find someone to take your Humber Half entry Waldo :-)

All stages are individually timed .... there will be a max time between stages on recovery stages which equates to slow / moderate walking pace + a few extra minutes where the feed stations are. Lots of thought has gone into this one.

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Its great the number of people who have said those exact words - have always wanted to do the full loop, but never got round to it. This gives you a good reason and obviously with the benefit of others to get you round.

The top guys will fly down some of the faster stages, the recovery stages will be welcomed by most. Have run it around 10 times, breaking it into stages works really well - lets you reflect and enjoy a little more. Lots of really hard work to put in over the coming months to make sure this race has the atmosphere it deserves. It should be fun!

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I did the whole 'Round Run' last Easter, when a lot of it was covered in ice or snow. Took me nearly 3 hours, but some of the going was quite dangerous. Also slowed down by the attentions of a pit-bull type dog by Newfield School. Fortunately the dog's interests were more amorous than prandial...


Might be a bit warm at the end of June for something like this? Or am I being over-optimistic about the coming summer?

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The heat won't be a factor on the stage race ... unless its freakishly hot. Most of the course is in shade. We had 24C to content with at the Barcelona marathon the weekend just gone. That wasn't too pretty from 20 miles onwards!! :-) .... still 3:06 finish so not too bad.


There are indeed two races that are using the round Sheffield route this year - one starting from Graves, and the other from Endcliffe. Some have already signed up for both.

For others one format appeals more than the other, as the format and experience will be very different.

We will have a beer garden and BBQ hopefully in the sun to celebrate in Endcliffe park on the 29th of June, with some excellent chilled thornbridge beers. Whats not to like!? :-)

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