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What to do with memorial plaque

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When my mum was cremated we had a plaque for her on a wall at City Rd Cemetery. It now has to be removed and we were wondering what we could do with it.


Has anyone had this problem, or can suggest any ideas?

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Tasha78's suggestion was my own preferred option, but other family members aren't sure.

I was hoping somewhere like a natural burial garden might display it.

We all dislike the idea of a council bench, not least because of the ridiculous price (near on £1000) and which might then be vandalised.


Thanks all for your ideas.

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Her ashes, like our dad's, were scattered on our elder brother's grave. But there is no place for the plaque there.

We aren't arguing about who should have it (I don't have a garden anyway) just trying to find a suitable permanent home for it.

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When my mum was cremated we had a plaque for her on a wall at City Rd Cemetery. It now has to be removed and we were wondering what we could do with it.


Has anyone had this problem, or can suggest any ideas?


What did she love to do?


A good example is......Did he like football cause they let you put plaques at football stadium.

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Can you not put it on a Bench somewhere ?


A lot of people do that around the areas used to love, e.g. parks, reservoirs and hillsides with good views. I approve of the idea but more often than not some fool comes along and vandalises the thing causing some distress to the family. Still I think a bench would be the option I'd take

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