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What to do with memorial plaque

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A lot of people do that around the areas used to love, e.g. parks, reservoirs and hillsides with good views. I approve of the idea but more often than not some fool comes along and vandalises the thing causing some distress to the family. Still I think a bench would be the option I'd take


Check out what this scumbag did?



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I got a bench in memory of my dad, it cost around £700 :loopy:


No bench should cost that much :D


But saying that you want it on a well built bench that is going to last 20 year or so, made of Oak or something.

Then you need somewhere nice to put it, where people would want to sit and visit, that could cost. I see a lot in the botanical Gardens, maybe that would be worth looking into ?

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Don't you have to get planning permission to site the bench if it's not on your own property?


I imagine you do if you want it securing to the ground so it does not get stolen, if it was free standing I don't know. Also now you mention it I imagine councils will charge just in case someone hurts themselves on it and it is covered by some sort of insurance ?

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Curse him I hope he will be struck my lightening. Stealing from the dead.


Minimo: Going back on topic. Are there any other nice places that your mom used to like when she was alive ? I would try to go for those kind of options.


Hey... how about the Winter Garden ? I have not seen this, but I do wonder if the council wouldn't mind doing something like that. It would be a pretty nice idea and it brings back some kind of social and civic heritage too. Was your mom born and bred in Sheffield ?

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There wasn't really anywhere special to her.


I think the best idea has to be in (probably) my sister's garden. I love the idea of a little garden round it. Even just a rose bush would be lovely.


I'd love to add plaques for my dad and my brother if possible. I will have to do some checking on that one.

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