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Last Minute Holiday Deals

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Just wanting people’s opinions on last minute deals please.


I’m planning to go on holiday in May and as I’ve not booked anything yet I was wondering if you can still get good deals if you book last minute, say the week or two weeks before. I heard somewhere that this wasn't the case anymore but not sure where I heard it or if it’s true.


Should I try and book somewhere now or wait a few more weeks


Any info would be appreciated, thanks

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Well, if you leave things the last minute, then you got to be more flexible. This is almost a given. If you like certain locations, and has an idea and preferences, then I would not leave it entirely too late. Most of the time, when the deals are late, it is because either that location is not one of the popular one, or that they oversubscribed. If you have a preference, then I suggest that you try and find the deal available deal there is going, and book it. If not, then leaving things in the last minute only allows you to get what is available, and sometimes the standard also may differ as well.


Apart from high street agencies, you can also check out website like this too as a reference really.




There may be a lot more deals to places like Spain. As I was checking the hotel prices recently for a friend, and I scanned the ones for Spain, and the whole travel industry seemed to have dropped out of the market for Spain or Italy. (As you know it is all related to the current economic situation over there.) If you plan to go abroad, I would also advice you to be extra careful as a friend who moved back to Spain complained about being burglared already since moving back within the year.

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