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More gun madness in the USA..

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But not as big a hat as yours to accommodate that outsized ego and bloated sense of self righteousness :hihi:


Go away phony holy man :hihi:


How very predictable! Personal insults!


Answer some of the questions you keep being asked...in fact...answer one of the questions you've been asked...that would be a start!


Alternatively just keep spouting your usual load of claptrap and indulging in your apparently favourite pastime of hypocrisy. You castigate anyone living outside the USA for not knowing what they're talking about in relation to the US and then do exactly the same when talking about Sheffield...a place you left donkey's years ago!


And this news just in...I am going nowhere! As long as you persist with your pathetic excuses for crass stupidity in defending the indefensible I will be here to attack your views.


If you don't have the sense to ask why people with a KNOWN history of mental health problems can walk into a supermarket and buy enough guns and ammunition to wreak the havoc they do and as often as they do in your adopted land instead of bleating about "police agents" (whatever the hell they are) over here then you are indeed one sad man!

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Well the main point is fishy is that your opinions on what's good for the USA means very little to anyone.

No more than .00000001 percent of the outside world ever read your posts and out of that many dont seem to like them either. :hihi:


Those statistics you linked only provide a false sense of security. In 30-40 years from now it will be a whole different scenario. Like in America the middle class is in a slow but steady decline. Housing prices and the rising cost of living are already outdistancing incomes for a sizeable majority of the populace and it will only get worse. Britain has to compete with not only the rest of Europe to attract investment but also with rising economic powers such as China, India, Brazil and soon Africa.

There's just not the incentive to locate businesses to Britain because of the cost of living, high taxes and expensive and scarce land.


All the above are ingredients for a rising crime rate as the decades go by.


Anyway enjoy your false sense of security in the meanwhile :D


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 20:25 ----------


How very predictable! Personal insults!


Answer some of the questions you keep being asked...in fact...answer one of the questions you've been asked...that would be a start!


Alternatively just keep spouting your usual load of claptrap and indulging in your apparently favourite pastime of hypocrisy. You castigate anyone living outside the USA for not knowing what they're talking about in relation to the US and then do exactly the same when talking about Sheffield...a place you left donkey's years ago!


And this news just in...I am going nowhere! As long as you persist with your pathetic excuses for crass stupidity in defending the indefensible I will be here to attack your views.


If you don't have the sense to ask why people with a KNOWN history of mental health problems can walk into a supermarket and buy enough guns and ammunition to wreak the havoc they do and as often as they do in your adopted land instead of bleating about "police agents" (whatever the hell they are) over here then you are indeed one sad man!


No more than your personal insult about the size of my brain and then you follow up with the above rant.


Your ignorance only manifests itself in claiming that guns can be bought at a supermarket :hihi:


"S'cuse me young man. Can you direct me to the Smith and Wesson .44s?

"Oh yes sir. Next aisle over from the canned soups and cereals" :hihi: :hihi:


Go away you silly pretentious little man :hihi:

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Well the main point is fishy is that your opinions on what's good for the USA means very little to anyone.

No more than .00000001 percent of the outside world ever read your posts and out of that many dont seem to like them either. :hihi:


Those statistics you linked only provide a false sense of security. In 30-40 years from now it will be a whole different scenario. Like in America the middle class is in a slow but steady decline. Housing prices and the rising cost of living are already outdistancing incomes for a sizeable majority of the populace and it will only get worse. Britain has to compete with not only the rest of Europe to attract investment but also with rising economic powers such as China, India, Brazil and soon Africa.

There's just not the incentive to locate businesses to Britain because of the cost of living, high taxes and expensive and scarce land.


All the above are ingredients for a rising crime rate as the decades go by.


Anyway enjoy your false sense of security in the meanwhile :D


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 20:25 ----------



No more than your personal insult about the size of my brain and then you follow up with the above rant.


Your ignorance only manifests itself in claiming that guns can be bought at a supermarket :hihi:


"S'cuse me young man. Can you direct me to the Smith and Wesson .44s?

"Oh yes sir. Next aisle over from the canned soups and cereals" :hihi: :hihi:


Go away you silly pretentious little man :hihi:


Enjoy your fun at my faux pas!


At least I hold up my hand when I make a mistake and claim something patently absurd.


I could have taken a leaf out of your book and ignored it. But I didn't want to sink to your tricks!

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"S'cuse me young man. Can you direct me to the Smith and Wesson .44s?

"Oh yes sir. Next aisle over from the canned soups and cereals" :hihi: :hihi:


Go away you silly pretentious little man :hihi:


If you were in GA then you could easily do that - they have firearms racked up in the sporting section for sale in Walmart....




I suspect the same is true in many other states as well...

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If you were in GA then you could easily do that - they have firearms racked up in the sporting section for sale in Walmart....




I suspect the same is true in many other states as well...


Thanks Obelix!


Seems there is at least one thing about US gun sales that the font of all knowledge and ready wit does not know.

I took him at his word...more fool me!


I imagine one or both of us will now be on the receiving end of a personal insult and/or other diversionary comment.


I wonder if he realises the "esteem" he is held in on this forum.

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Thanks Obelix!


Seems there is at least one thing about US gun sales that the font of all knowledge and ready wit does not know.

I took him at his word...more fool me!


I imagine one or both of us will now be on the receiving end of a personal insult and/or other diversionary comment.


I wonder if he realises the "esteem" he is held in on this forum.


It'll be something like "dont you know that a S&W .44 is a handgun and Walmart only does rifles and shotguns" For some reason American's tend to forget that quite a lot of Europeans do know about firearms and some even keep a few at home - the size of my armoury at home makes people step back until they realise what it's actually for...


Nonetheless "guns" are available in supermarkets which was the point being made. They may not be in California but they certainly are in many other states.

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Well the main point is fishy is that your opinions on what's good for the USA means very little to anyone.

No more than .00000001 percent of the outside world ever read your posts and out of that many dont seem to like them either. :hihi:


Those statistics you linked only provide a false sense of security. In 30-40 years from now it will be a whole different scenario. Like in America the middle class is in a slow but steady decline. Housing prices and the rising cost of living are already outdistancing incomes for a sizeable majority of the populace and it will only get worse. Britain has to compete with not only the rest of Europe to attract investment but also with rising economic powers such as China, India, Brazil and soon Africa.

There's just not the incentive to locate businesses to Britain because of the cost of living, high taxes and expensive and scarce land.


All the above are ingredients for a rising crime rate as the decades go by.


Anyway enjoy your false sense of security in the meanwhile :D


---------- Post added 27-05-2014 at 20:25 ----------



No more than your personal insult about the size of my brain and then you follow up with the above rant.


Your ignorance only manifests itself in claiming that guns can be bought at a supermarket :hihi:


"S'cuse me young man. Can you direct me to the Smith and Wesson .44s?

"Oh yes sir. Next aisle over from the canned soups and cereals" :hihi: :hihi:


Go away you silly pretentious little man :hihi:


Yeah! Guns at a supermarket! That would be absolutely ridiculous!


Why not give them away, with bullets, in a bank, when you open account?? That would make FAR fore sense!:roll:

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Well I could throw a few numbers at you if that proves anything just like the gun control advocates love to quote .


Here's some


UK population c.60m gun deaths per year - around 40

US population c. 300m gun deaths per year - take a guess??

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