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More gun madness in the USA..

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It'll be something like "dont you know that a S&W .44 is a handgun and Walmart only does rifles and shotguns"


Nonetheless "guns" are available in supermarkets which was the point being made. They may not be in California but they certainly are in many other states.


I made the claim based on "Bowling for Columbine" which (for those not in the know) is a movie made by a man whose very name brings certain people to bouts of frothing uncontrollably...therefore I shall refrain from using it.


I am aware that the unnamed film maker does have a tendency to embellish certain facts with hyperbole and thus gave Harleyman far more credit than he seems to have deserved.

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I'm not sure if you made that post in jest or not... but that has been known.




I made the post because Harleyman was telling porkie pies! And yes, I know for a fact that some banks in the US have been known to give away loaded rifles to new customers who open accounts.


---------- Post added 28-05-2014 at 13:53 ----------


I made the claim based on "Bowling for Columbine" which (for those not in the know) is a movie made by a man whose very name brings certain people to bouts of frothing uncontrollably...therefore I shall refrain from using it.


I am aware that the unnamed film maker does have a tendency to embellish certain facts with hyperbole and thus gave Harleyman far more credit than he seems to have deserved.


Yes, it's Bowling for Columbine where I saw the banks giving out guns.....loaded guns :roll:


You'll never convince someone who is 'pro gun', that the gun laws in the US are stupid.


I have a lot of friends in the US. They try to convince me that they use guns as a deterrent. That people won't rob their house because they know they might get shot! :hihi:

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Of course it's our business. We're all citizens of the world.


can't wait for your latest veiws on the spate of shootings and murders in the islamic world citizen halibut:D


Because it's an issue I feel strongly about - and other clearly do too.


strange you don't feel so strongly about the string of recent shootings from your muslim friends in nigeria:suspect:


---------- Post added 28-05-2014 at 13:55 ----------


In a hideous little insight into the psyche of Georgia's state legislators, another bill was brought to the floor of the house in that session.


It sought to legalise the use of marijuana extracts for the medical treatment of children suffering from severe seizures.


Needless to say, they failed to pass it.



if you really did feel strongly about what's happening in a america halibut(which i know you don't) you'd find it is well documented that psychiatric drugs

, particularly antidepressants, can cause a host of violent side effects including mania, psychosis, aggression, violence, and in the case of the antidepressant Effexor, homicidal ideation … [P]eople with no prior history of violence (or suicide) became homicidal and suicidal under the influence of antidepressants. … However, despite all the documented violence-inducing side effects of these drugs, the FDA has never issued warnings on antidepressants causing violence or homicide despite the fact that at least 11 recent school shootings were committed by kids documented to be on or in withdrawal from psychiatric drugs.”

The expert testimony in this case was supplied by Dr. Peter Breggin, an outspoken critic of psychiatric drugs. The featured article quotes him as saying:

“These drugs produce a stimulant or activation continuum… That continuum includes aggression, hostility, loss of impulse control … all of which are a prescription for violence.”and you'd like to see another one thrown in just for good measure:huh: I suppose you think a psychotic mass murderer would get stoned then call the whole thing off:rolleyes:

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can't wait for your latest veiws on the spate of shootings and murders in the islamic world citizen halibut:D




strange you don't feel so strongly about the string of recent shootings from your muslim friends in nigeria:suspect:


---------- Post added 28-05-2014 at 13:55 ----------




if you really did feel strongly about what's happening in a america halibut(which i know you don't) you'd find it is well documented that psychiatric drugs

, particularly antidepressants, can cause a host of violent side effects including mania, psychosis, aggression, violence, and in the case of the antidepressant Effexor, homicidal ideation … [P]eople with no prior history of violence (or suicide) became homicidal and suicidal under the influence of antidepressants. … However, despite all the documented violence-inducing side effects of these drugs, the FDA has never issued warnings on antidepressants causing violence or homicide despite the fact that at least 11 recent school shootings were committed by kids documented to be on or in withdrawal from psychiatric drugs.”

The expert testimony in this case was supplied by Dr. Peter Breggin, an outspoken critic of psychiatric drugs. The featured article quotes him as saying:

“These drugs produce a stimulant or activation continuum… That continuum includes aggression, hostility, loss of impulse control … all of which are a prescription for violence.”and you'd like to see another one thrown in just for good measure:huh: I suppose you think a psychotic mass murderer would get stoned then call the whole thing off:rolleyes:


a) You're a crap mind reader.

b) Start a new thread if you want to talk about the dangers of SSRI's, start a thread about it.

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can't wait for your latest veiws on the spate of shootings and murders in the islamic world citizen halibut:D




strange you don't feel so strongly about the string of recent shootings from your muslim friends in nigeria:suspect:


---------- Post added 28-05-2014 at 13:55 ----------




if you really did feel strongly about what's happening in a america halibut(which i know you don't) you'd find it is well documented that psychiatric drugs

, particularly antidepressants, can cause a host of violent side effects including mania, psychosis, aggression, violence, and in the case of the antidepressant Effexor, homicidal ideation … [P]eople with no prior history of violence (or suicide) became homicidal and suicidal under the influence of antidepressants. … However, despite all the documented violence-inducing side effects of these drugs, the FDA has never issued warnings on antidepressants causing violence or homicide despite the fact that at least 11 recent school shootings were committed by kids documented to be on or in withdrawal from psychiatric drugs.”

The expert testimony in this case was supplied by Dr. Peter Breggin, an outspoken critic of psychiatric drugs. The featured article quotes him as saying:

“These drugs produce a stimulant or activation continuum… That continuum includes aggression, hostility, loss of impulse control … all of which are a prescription for violence.”and you'd like to see another one thrown in just for good measure:huh: I suppose you think a psychotic mass murderer would get stoned then call the whole thing off:rolleyes:


Given that what you've posted links to is true, do you not think you would be better employed sticking to the thread title and asking why people who are on, or have been on, these drugs are still finding it so easy to buy guns and ammunition?

Or would you rather prefer to divert the thread and indulge in petty, puerile point scoring?

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a) You're a crap minder.

b) Start a new thread if you want to talk about the dangers of SSRI's, start a thread about it.


if you can just put aside your anti american drivel and child like insults for a moment haliblurt and look at some of the facts behind whats happening in some of the states in america you'll find

ssri's and 5150's have a lot to with the subject

The State of california only budgets $2.5 billion to mental health services--that's ALL mental health services, and not just emergency evaluations. Cops and health care workers are aware that the system is badly strained, and it's not unusual for a cop to pretend he's dealing with a drunk, and put the guy in the drunk tank overnight and release him OR the next day. Most times, that actually gets everyone past the crisis until the next time.

There's one other factor the gun lobby is trying to make it harder to haul someone in on a 5150, because if you get an involuntary commit, you cannot legally own a gun. Even as they preach about how the country needs to address mental illness instead of gun-crime

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Given that what you've posted links to is true, do you not think you would be better employed sticking to the thread title and asking why people who are on, or have been on, these drugs are still finding it so easy to buy guns and ammunition?

Or would you rather prefer to divert the thread and indulge in petty, puerile point scoring?


I already have but obviously comprehension isn't one of your strong points:D


and if you think the reasons behind what makes someone pull a trigger ,petty ,puerle and point scoring you shouldn't be debating on this thread


---------- Post added 28-05-2014 at 15:25 ----------


Pot kettle black....:roll:



well spotted boelix:)

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