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More gun madness in the USA..

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I don't think you'll find many Americans will try to come to the UK packing heat, even if we didn't have some of the most stringent

airport security in the world. It's a real pain in the you know what, but necessary. I've flown the Atlantic more times than I can remember, and found American passengers normally quiet and friendly, and sometimes , but not a lot, some Brits drunk and nasty because "we're on Holiday, tha sees"


I've encountered holiday Brits on flights back to L.A. All "aled up" and talking about what big winners they'll be once they get to Vegas :hihi:


Last time during the flight back a young woman, sounded Home Counties, definitely English had too much to drink and locked herself in the Head. After about fifteen dramatic moments she agreed to come out. When the plane landed in L.A the police came aboard and escorted her off.

I remember her protesting loudly "I aint done nuffin wrong" on her way out through the exit

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I thought you had "bailed"


Aside from the invective - have either our American contributors anything at all to add to the statistical evidence compiled by the government of the good old USA on the possession of and volume of firearms ?


We can all swap tales about how x or y behaved in such and such a town and it rains a lot in the UK - it does not add a great deal to what is a serious topic ( and I suspect most agree it is a serious topic)

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If a US citizen wishes to buy a gun and passes a succesful background check then it's his right to do so under the Second Amendment. That's

all there is to it.


I never said there was. I was just pointing out you can buy a firearm in a supermarket in the USA. You are the one getting all upset and abusive at someone daring to question your motives and TBH - if you were in the UK I doubt you'd get past the background checks if that's how you comport yourself in real life.


Your mindset is probably typical of people in the uK that anyone purchasing a weapon must be intent on committing a criminal act.


Meanwhile my mindset doesnt seem to upset anyone at all and I can have within reason any long gun or handgun I want (yes you can have handguns in the UK, not a problem... just a few niceities to observe...)


I take it you didn't read the list of 17 rifles I have in my house then at this moment? Or for that matter the three shotguns that are on my shotgun cert? I'm all for responsible use of firearms - that's why I tutor my Scout troop in safe shooting.

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I thought you had "bailed"


Aside from the invective - have either our American contributors anything at all to add to the statistical evidence compiled by the government of the good old USA on the possession of and volume of firearms ?


We can all swap tales about how x or y behaved in such and such a town and it rains a lot in the UK - it does not add a great deal to what is a serious topic ( and I suspect most agree it is a serious topic)


Well I came back hoping to raise a few more hackles


What I cant understand is why Sheffield folks are so concerned about the issue. If you have a grain of intelligence you'll realize that gun control AKA British style will never happen here.

There will always be the great majority who own guns yet are law abiding, responsible citizens and the few sickos and misfits who get hold of them and use them for the purpose of committing evil deeds. It's just the way it is. Americans like their freedoms that are theirs by rights under the constitution. They are not servile people.

You live on a small island that could fit around twice into California alone with a population of some 70 or more million people who have been bred into a culture where guns are only used by gangsters or the military

I dont think that either side will ever be able to understand the other on this matter

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I think most of you on here have a bee in your bonnet about we having the right to own a gun but in your neck of the woods only the privileged have the right.


Utter rubbish - as has been pointed out before. But cling to your delusion if it makes you feel better.


---------- Post added 29-05-2014 at 23:32 ----------


I dont think that either side will ever be able to understand the other on this matter


Really? It must be terrible to have so narrow a mind as yours.

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I never said there was. I was just pointing out you can buy a firearm in a supermarket in the USA. You are the one getting all upset and abusive at someone daring to question your motives and TBH - if you were in the UK I doubt you'd get past the background checks if that's how you comport yourself in real life.




Meanwhile my mindset doesnt seem to upset anyone at all and I can have within reason any long gun or handgun I want (yes you can have handguns in the UK, not a problem... just a few niceities to observe...)


I take it you didn't read the list of 17 rifles I have in my house then at this moment? Or for that matter the three shotguns that are on my shotgun cert? I'm all for responsible use of firearms - that's why I tutor my Scout troop in safe shooting.


So what's background check entail in the UK? :hihi: :hihi: "I say old chap you dont seem to comport yourself in the approved manner so I shall therefore have to refuse you a gun" ??? Trained psychiatrists as well as firearm vendors are they?

I carried weapons of destructivee firepower in the jungles of Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam and fired many a type long before you were born I'll bet. I also taught my two sons to shoot and the correct way to handle guns safely at all times, to never carry them loaded off the range and to keep them locked up in the gun safe at home. safet practices which both observe to this day


If in fact supermarkets in other States are allowed to sell firearms then I'd say it's their business. If anyone on here feels some sense of outrage that guns are sold in Walmart stores in Georgia then I suggest they E-mail, twitter the State Governor's office in Atlanta and express their outrage. I'm sure they'll be listened to... especially if it came from Sheffield :D


The way it was originally put was that "anyone can go into a supermarket and purchase a gun" Not "anyone can purchase a gun" unless the person who claims that has been watching some rubbish Hollywood movie. Walmart of all places I would definitely say are under scrutiny to observe the regulations at all times when it comes to gun purchases

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So what's background check entail in the UK? :hihi: :hihi: "I say old chap you dont seem to comport yourself in the approved manner so I shall therefore have to refuse you a gun" ???


Ah more abuse from you. I expected nothing less. You can look up the requirements yourself.


The way it was originally put was that "anyone can go into a supermarket and purchase a gun"


Yup. And guess what - in the USA they can. Even visiting aliens can do so. I'm sorry you got caught with your pants down, actually no, I must not tell a lie I'm not sorry you were embarrassed at all.

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A police officer in my town is referred to as an Agent... like Agent Johnson for example. We have a small police force with around 60 or so sworn personnel. The next rank up is Corporal followed by Sergeant, then Lieutenant, then Captain and finally Police Chief.

If you have any problem with the above then I suggest you shove it where the sun dont shine Skinty Boy.


No, a Police agent is referred to as a Police agent...remember. :roll:


Police officer


Police officer


What happens when I graduate from the academy?

Upon graduation, Police Recruits are promoted to Police Officers and will be scheduled for an additional four month training program with a Field Training Officer. Once training is complete, new officers will be assigned to one of eight area commands. The location and work schedule will be determined according to the needs of the Department.



The crime rate is very low and you can walk around any street at two in the morning without being bothered


And yet you need the following..


Our police department also provide home security checks if your out of town.

You pick up a form from the police department, fill it out showing which dates you will be away , any cars that will be in the driveway. names of any persons authorized to be on the premisess and a phone number where you can be contacted in case of emergency. Once a day a police officer will visit the premises and make sure all is in order.


Just imagine if your unknown town had real crime you could ask the force to wipe yer arse while cleaning yer blunderbuss.



I still believe you're lying through your teeth about your visits.


I know you do, but that's the arrogance of a sheff lad who thinks his decision to move to the States was an earth moving event that no one else is capable of, let alone visit.


Where and when have you visited? .


If I tell you will you be my fwiend and believe me?


C'mon harley..wont do you any harm in naming your town.

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Utter rubbish - as has been pointed out before. But cling to your delusion if it makes you feel better.


---------- Post added 29-05-2014 at 23:32 ----------



Really? It must be terrible to have so narrow a mind as yours.


And you a hypocrite of the highest order :hihi: 17 rifles in your home and here you are spouting off in your high handed manner about gun control. Whoever gave you permission to own 17 rifles in the UK? Are you the official armourer of the Sheffield Constabulary by any chance? Or even 007 and a half perhaps :hihi: Your full of it matey. Teaching Scouts to shoot :hihi: Put your money where your mouth is and turn em in. Someone could break into your house one night, steal your rifles, strangle your cat and burn your house down and then run amok shooting at random with one of your BB guns.


---------- Post added 29-05-2014 at 23:14 ----------


No, a Police agent is referred to as a Police agent...remember. :roll:


Police officer


Police officer


What happens when I graduate from the academy?

Upon graduation, Police Recruits are promoted to Police Officers and will be scheduled for an additional four month training program with a Field Training Officer. Once training is complete, new officers will be assigned to one of eight area commands. The location and work schedule will be determined according to the needs of the Department.





And yet you need the following..




Just imagine if your unknown town had real crime you could ask the force to wipe yer arse while cleaning yer blunderbuss.





I know you do, but that's the arrogance of a sheff lad who thinks his decision to move to the States was an earth moving event that no one else is capable of, let alone visit.




If I tell you will you be my fwiend and believe me?


C'mon harley..wont do you any harm in naming your town.


Nah! No can do ! You might just show up (even if there is a law against vagrants entering town limits) and start asking around. Actually I'd like a few rounds agin you down at the local gym :hihi: It's a long time since I last had to resort to violence, several decades long in fact but the old training never gets forgot :D

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