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More gun madness in the USA..

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Trouble is, imagine you are peacefully watching TV.

The intruder comes in, armed and ready.

Are you going to get to your gun, and hold him at gunpoint, ready to fire, before he shoots you, and goes away with two guns, his and yours?


You need your gun in hand all the time, and you must whip it up straightaway. Maybe you would use it on someone innocent.


the policy is shoot first ask questions later so you have to sit with the gun in your hand at ALL times

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I don't understand these threads. Trying to prise guns from the American population as a whole is as pointless as trying to open a chain of hooters bars in Saudi Arabia. You can fling statistics and facts at them but they want guns. As long as we don't follow suit (which we definately won't) arguing the point is akin to throwing rocks at a cow - an easy target but largely unsatisfying.

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true, but sadly you do get the odd idiot on here who actually believes that having guns in the UK would be a good thing!!!


Having firearms in the UK is a good thing - they are a very necessary tool in made circumstances.


Unlicenced and uncontrolled ones however, is not a good thing :)

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true, but sadly you do get the odd idiot on here who actually believes that having guns in the UK would be a good thing!!!


The thing about having guns that scares me the most is that the Police would be armed, they seem to be better at shooting innocent people than most armed criminals.


We already have guns, we just don't have a gun problem.

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