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More gun madness in the USA..

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I've watched some of Elliot Rodger's videos and they verge on the whiny and the surreal.


"I've got $300 sunglasses, and girls still don't like me".

I think he probably had some form of autism.


Clearly not a well person.


He should never have been left to fend for himself.

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When did the Sheffield Telegraph ever say that? That's demonstrably false.
So demonstrate for us how false it is, then? You're always telling everyone else to back up their statements, but you never do.
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He doesn't need to.


Claims that are presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.


But that's all Halibut ever does, just makes bald, dismissive, blanket statements in response to anything. Or has one of his henchmen running interference for him :o


Just once I'd like to see him back himself up with something factual.

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It's an old, and ultimately foolish line of reasoning Ron, which typifies the knee jerk ignorance of the pro gun lobby. Sadly but predictably you go with the macho response rather than be man enough to admit the truth - a society swamped by firearms populated with people who espouse your kind of attitudes = a massive death toll that will keep rising until those attitudes change.
Let me quote you a very sad case. Here in Connecticut, where there are stringent gun laws, as you alll well ,know, a deranged youth shot and killed 20 young kids ans six of their teachers. One gun in the hands of one teacher would have saved most or all of those lives. Some years ago, two men invaded a doctor's home, knocking him senseless with a baseball bat. They then forced his wife to go to an ATM and draw out a huge sum of money before strangling her to death. At the house they tied the two teenage daughters to a bed, raped them then set the house on fire , burning the girls to death. No guns were involved. One gun in the house might have saved them. I am not an advocate of guns,I had enough of them in the Navy, but this is a country where its possible to be a long way from help in a hurry. It is not crammed to the gills with people like it is in the UK once you get outside the cities.


---------- Post added 25-05-2014 at 14:49 ----------


I don't understand these threads. Trying to prise guns from the American population as a whole is as pointless as trying to open a chain of hooters bars in Saudi Arabia. You can fling statistics and facts at them but they want guns. As long as we don't follow suit (which we definately won't) arguing the point is akin to throwing rocks at a cow - an easy target but largely unsatisfying.
But it keeps you all happy, don't you see. While you can rattle on about the perfidious USA, you can ignore what's wrong in dear old Blighty. Many of us hate guns and the NRA, but ownership of guns is vested in State's rights. If you want to live in a state that is strong on gun control like most Northern east coast ones or California then move or take your chances.


---------- Post added 25-05-2014 at 14:53 ----------


Of course it's our business. We're all citizens of the world.
Then let the world do something about it. A United Nations Resolution perhaps.:hihi::hihi::hihi:
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