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Candy Crush Saga.. 7 billion dollars

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I knew how much Candy Crush was making per day. (approx £400,000)


It is a downloadable game (app) worth an estimated $7billion. The floating on the NY Stock Exchange will earn the owners in the region of £500,000,000 each.


It does make me wonder... I thought about 10 or 15 years ago that some company like Nokia would be one of the biggest companies on the planet in the future. It's just not going that way (other than Apple). The work load and technology to build the Nokia and keep it going must have been huge. And what profit did/do they make now? Quite frankly, what's the point of all that effort when an App can make so much money?


Granted this is perhaps a one off, but the wonder is it worth companies building the advanced technology for someone to come along and take huge amounts of money from a bit of tech work?!


(again other than Apple)

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Nooooo.... that is crazy ! Everyone knew that you can indeed make money from the internet. People thought that softwares could do the same, but this kind of app. Is just. Crazy !


Also, I couldn't believe that some silly people really pay to get onto the next stage or for extra lives. That is crazy. Seriously crazy. It makes you think how much we pay normally for our goods. Some items are not truly worth it. Really.


There really is no point to pay for games.

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There really is no point to pay for games.


Although I'd never pay for something from Candy Crush, the game is boring to me but anyway.


What's the difference in paying for games either through in game purchases or buying the game, and buying a film, or going to the theater?


People get genuinely excited by games, just as people do by movies and plays, they're entertainment and people always have and always will pay to be entertained.

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Although I'd never pay for something from Candy Crush, the game is boring to me but anyway.


What's the difference in paying for games either through in game purchases or buying the game, and buying a film, or going to the theater?


People get genuinely excited by games, just as people do by movies and plays, they're entertainment and people always have and always will pay to be entertained.


Twice tonight. I think we need a single like button on here. (or 8 likes for 69p)


Jeeez, don't get her started...otherwise we're in for the long haul, long-winded, difficult to read posts, that on many occasion contradict themselves mid-sentence.


Anyhoo....Candy Crush is a game/hobby/addiction/boredom-reliever/money-maker or whatever...why should it bother anyone enough to comment about it?


Why does everyone 'have' to have an opinion on things that in the big scheme of your own day-to-day life, have absolutely no effect whatsoever on you??

So what, people play games, there's a business for it...nobody's forcing these things upon you!


I think you've missed my point. I'm not complaining about Candy Crush making money, or the owners of it having lots of money. They could £1trillion for all I care. I said it made me wonder.

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Twice tonight. I think we need a single like button on here. (or 8 likes for 69p)




I think you've missed my point. I'm not complaining about Candy Crush making money, or the owners of it having lots of money. They could £1trillion for all I care. I said it made me wonder.


Sorry *ash* I was haven't a pop at your post...just a bit of a rant...I posted when I was a little tired...apologies, as I actually agree with what you're saying :thumbsup:

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TBH, I think Apple (with the Appstore on its closed ecosystem, more than Google's PlayStore) and Zuckerberg single-handedly rebooted the dot.com bubble a couple of years ago.


$14bn (beeellions) for Whatsapp?


$2bn for Oculus Rift (still on prototype/devkit v1.0 and taking pre-orders for prototype/devkit v2.0)?


A $7bn valuation for a 1-trick-pony (match 3+ gameplay...like noone with a Nintendo DS ever played touchscreen Zookeeper, nevermind the countless non-touch others before) mobile game developer?


It's monopoly money.


Come back, boo.com, all is forgiven :hihi:

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TBH, I think Apple (with the Appstore on its closed ecosystem, more than Google's PlayStore) and Zuckerberg single-handedly rebooted the dot.com bubble a couple of years ago.

$14bn (beeellions) for Whatsapp?


$2bn for Oculus Rift (still on prototype/devkit v1.0 and taking pre-orders for prototype/devkit v2.0)?


A $7bn valuation for a 1-trick-pony (match 3+ gameplay...like noone with a Nintendo DS ever played touchscreen Zookeeper, nevermind the countless non-touch others before) mobile game developer?


It's monopoly money.


Come back, boo.com, all is forgiven :hihi:


You're not wrong, on all counts.

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