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Time for big six energy companies to refund customers

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And yet the prices here might still be too high. Don't you want lower prices?


Free is always nice, cheap is also good but often means poor service or quality, I haven't seen any evidence that we are being ripped off by energy companies, so whilst I would love them to give me free energy I'm not going to condemn them for making a little bit of profit out of me for supplying me with something I want.

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And yet the prices here might still be too high. Don't you want lower prices?


---------- Post added 28-03-2014 at 10:19 ----------



But, they are the generators too. They have been allowed that role and they willingly took it.


It's up to them to generate, not throw the rattle out the pram because they got caught out after years of malinvestment, underinvestment and excess profit taking.


Don't you want the market reformed so you can get fairer prices and improved energy security? Or are you going to keep fighting for your right to be ripped off?


They haven't been allowed that role - that's the point. They saw the energy gap coming - they wanted to build new nuclear plant, and the Govt said "No" because they wanted to pander to the green agenda.


As for my right to be ripped off - try living in Germany and paying their electric and gas prices. the UK has some of the cheapest energy prices in Europe and yet you still moan like hell....

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Free is always nice, cheap is also good but often means poor service or quality, I haven't seen any evidence that we are being ripped off by energy companies, so whilst I would love them to give me free energy I'm not going to condemn them for making a little bit of profit out of me for supplying me with something I want.


Nobody is demanding free energy.


The investigation has been announced so let's see what they find.


---------- Post added 28-03-2014 at 10:57 ----------


They haven't been allowed that role - that's the point. They saw the energy gap coming - they wanted to build new nuclear plant, and the Govt said "No" because they wanted to pander to the green agenda.


As for my right to be ripped off - try living in Germany and paying their electric and gas prices. the UK has some of the cheapest energy prices in Europe and yet you still moan like hell....


They do have that a dual generator supplier role and have been permitted to do so since the 90s. John Major's government relaxed the rules to allow it. Look it up.


Our prices may be lower but could still be too high. Don't you want lower prices?

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They do have that a dual generator supplier role and have been permitted to do so since the 90s. John Major's government relaxed the rules to allow it. Look it up.


Are you deliberately missing the point here? (Rhetorical question btw - I know you are). They have repeatedly wanted to build new plant but the Govt has not permitted them to do so - Labour dallied about for well over a decade on this. Look it up.


Our prices may be lower but could still be too high. Don't you want lower prices?


What I want for prices is irrelevant as well you know. What matters is the necessary price to support an adequate infrastructure and capacity. Do you want us to have an inadequate electricity and gas infrastructure?

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Are you deliberately missing the point here? (Rhetorical question btw - I know you are). They have repeatedly wanted to build new plant but the Govt has not permitted them to do so - Labour dallied about for well over a decade on this. Look it up.




What I want for prices is irrelevant as well you know. What matters is the necessary price to support an adequate infrastructure and capacity. Do you want us to have an inadequate electricity and gas infrastructure?


No, I'm not missing the point. I'm pointing out that you have got it wrong. Suppliers can be and are generators too. Are you denying this?


The problem is that we are not getting the infrastructure. We are not getting the plant, or the storage and we are not achieving energy security. There is a very good chance that we are not paying a fair price for what we get.


That is what the investigation is looking at. Do you not think there should be an investigation? By the way I fully expect that the investigation will uncover a whole raft of issues - poor performance from the energy companies, inadequate regulation and failings from government. Why don't you want the market to be fixed?


---------- Post added 28-03-2014 at 11:41 ----------


I don't even see the point of an investigation when it is clear that we enjoy some of the cheapest energy in Europe.


That could probably still be lower, or at be better value for money. Hence the investigation.

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