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Any social democrats out there?

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I'm interested to know if there are any members on here who would describe themselves as social democrats?

I am looking at starting a local discussion group where politically like-minded people can get together and share ideas.


Let me know if anyone is interested.

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Yes, in a sense similar to the stance of David Owen. People who don't believe that the Labour Party actually represent the values of social democracy.


By 'social democracy' I mean things like democratic oversight of markets, not the neo-liberal policies of New Labour/Tories/Lib Dems et al which led to the crash, the introduction of a 'living' as opposed to a 'minimum' wage. Effective policies that mean that the level of patient healthcare and the quality of a child's education is not determined by where in the country they live or what their background is. Things that we used to take for granted, but things have been slowly but steadily been eroded.


P.s I am not Dutch.

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