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Ban on sending books into prisons - why?

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But reading can help with literacy and give people interests outside of the criminal life they lead, how do you know that reading something may inspire them to want to change and not repeat offend ?


I'm all for the work part though as I imagine a lot of those in prison will be, there is nothing worse than boredom in jail.


There's nothing wrong with them learning in a controlled environment and reading books that are provided by the prison service, but we wouldn't want them reading, The perfect crime and how to commit it, or

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Because they don't just give them the parcel, they will check it. If it was that simple then Peter Suttcliff would have had a parcel that went bang by now. :D


And why will my avatar get me into trouble, I found it on the net, there isnt any copy rights on it.


It takes time and money to check every parcel which is probably why so many drugs find there way into prisons, its also not viable to check the written content of every book. Its much easier to control what prisoner have by proving it for them instead of allowing stuff to be sent in by friends and family.

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Believe me no prison would ever let in a parcel to any inmate unchecked. that just would not happen.


Yes but how good is the check, the lengths prisoners will go to smuggle banned goods into their cells have been revealed in these eye-opening snaps.




To me there are two issues, by banning parcels there's less opportunity to smuggle stuff in.


It also makes every prisoner more equal, whilst some will be receiving all sorts of goodies from family and friends, others might have no one on the out side so won't be getting anything, meaning their time in prison won't be as bearable as other prisoners that receive lots of stuff.

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Yes but how good is the check, the lengths prisoners will go to smuggle banned goods into their cells have been revealed in these eye-opening snaps.




To me there are two issues, by banning parcels there's less opportunity to smuggle stuff in.


It also makes every prisoner more equal, whilst some will be receiving all sorts of goodies from family and friends, others might have no one on the out side so won't be getting anything, meaning their time in prison won't be as bearable as other prisoners that receive lots of stuff.

I'm not sure about all this stuff you say they get in, I know they can order stuff in from certain catalog companies, but as for getting stuff sent in...


Also all these phones and drugs will be coming in over the fence/wall or on the prisoners when they come in or on visits, it won't be getting sent in in parcels. Phones are small enough to go in the rectal passage just like most drugs.

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But the point of prison is to keep you locked up, and not to give you the opportunity to escape.


And whats with the fish. :suspect:


Prison is also meant to rehabilitate to reduce recidivism - difficult to do that without education, and that's difficult to do without study materiel.

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Banged up in a cell with no TV, books or play stations results in frustration building up and it will be the poor prison guards that end up being on the receiving end of it.

Most prison guards would agree with the above statement.



I believe we are far too soft on prisoners. they should be locked in individual cells with no interaction with anyone. They should be fed a basic diet, and allowed no privileges of any kind including TVs radios books etc. Nor should they be allowed visitors.


When they get bored they should reflect on the actions that got them into jail in the first place.

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Prison is also meant to rehabilitate to reduce recidivism - difficult to do that without education, and that's difficult to do without study materiel.


Despite the fact prisoners have had access to books, TV, parcels from friends and family, education for years the reoffending rates top 70% in some prisons.

Maybe if criminals had an harder time whilst locked up that rate would drop.

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Banged up in a cell with no TV, books or play stations results in frustration building up and it will be the poor prison guards that end up being on the receiving end of it.

Most prison guards would agree with the above statement.



I believe we are far too soft on prisoners. they should be locked in individual cells with no interaction with anyone. They should be fed a basic diet, and allowed no privileges of any kind including TVs radios books etc. Nor should they be allowed visitors.


When they get bored they should reflect on the actions that got them into jail in the first place.


Seriously? Is this just a troll? I hope so.

They are still human you know.

Taking away someone's liberty and livelihood is quite a harsh sentence in itself.

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