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Giving Birth in your 50s?

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3 women aged over 50 give birth each week in the UK - double the number 5 years ago.


Personally, I cannot imagine anything I'd want to do less at that age, but I've already got kids and cannot imagine what infertility is like and how desperate it might make you.


There must be some positives - you're more mature, you're more patient; you've probably done the career thing and want to devote time to the child instead. But I would worry about the fact that by the time the child is independent (18? 25?) you will be approaching, or past 70. Statistically, you are less likely to see them reach adulthood, even, than if you had them in your 20s or 30s.


Anyone have a view on (or experience of?) new parenthood in your 50s?

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I think that one's quite easy to work out. 3 women every two weeks.


Nah she said 3 a week


Or even more likely, 156 women per year now, compared to 78 women 5 years ago.


Either way, it's not that many.


---------- Post added 31-03-2014 at 01:57 ----------


Cross-posted last one...


I would prefer if it was done naturally, I dont think that the tax payer should fund something that is more risky.


So what would your preferred upper age limit for fertility treatment be?


This has the potential to be a long thread, because there aren't any answers that everyone could agree on.


Cid, the tax-payer side could easily be argued that lots of reckless people have children naturally and bring their children up in a car-crash type way (to the perception of most), and claim lots of tax-payers money.


Perhaps more experience and knowledge means better upbringing? Perhaps with some. What happens when the said 'car-crash' parents want kids at 50? 60? what then? (to argue another point)




alice, how can this be calculated accurately, or morally? If the upper limit was say 41 - it is a nonsense number. Some women can still conceive naturally, and some can't at 20.




A few hundred years ago, many people didn't even live until 50 in the western world, let alone have a kid. We live longer because of taxes paid to fund making us live longer.




Tough question.

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