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Tories commit to "full employment"

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My point is that the majority of immigrants want to work. I accept there is a problem with illegal immigrants, my comments are confined to legal immigration. I contrast this to those of the indigenous population who are, in fact unemployable.


Has anyone disputed that, it also doesn't alter the fact that the majority have a negative impact on the UK, after all like you say, they are here to better themselves at the expense of the people that are already here.

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It's not always at the expense of. What if they start a business & employ some locals, happens often. They need food, services & buy other things while they're here too.


It's not a zero sum game, there's no fixed number of jobs & if an immigrant takes yours you can't have one. Work creates more work.

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It's not always at the expense of. What if they start a business & employ some locals, happens often. They need food, services & buy other things while they're here too.



The business is likely to be in competition with other businesses unless they come up with some unique business that no one else as ever thought of. If it is in competing with other businesses it is likely to drive prices down, as each business tries to out compete the other, wages will fall, and sooner or later one goes under resulting in someone loosing their job.


It always get me when a new supermarket opens they claim that they will be employing 100 people, fantastic news, but if a new supermarket opens it must take trade from other shops, in doing so it reduces their profits which will lead to job losses.


---------- Post added 02-04-2014 at 12:04 ----------


It's not a zero sum game, there's no fixed number of jobs & if an immigrant takes yours you can't have one. Work creates more work.


If they spend every penny they earn and don't take government hand outs to support their low wage, you might have a point, but many are employed in low wage jobs supported by state hand outs and many send money back to their home country, so they don't create wealth here.

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I just can't see how these car washes can stay in business. I must pass at least four hand car washes daily, all within a few miles away from each other.


Although saying that, they're quite expensive. £6 for a car wash!


Specialist police officers believe that people are almost certainly trafficked into and out of the country through the Essex ports of Stansted, Tilbury and Harwich. Some of these people are forced to work in places like cannabis factories, nail bars, brothels and car washes.


I know several young men that have tried to gain employment in car washes, non were given the opportunity, I have yet to see anyone working in a car wash that doesn't appear to be foreign and I have never seen any of these job vacancies advertised. So the car washes they visited might only be looking for foreign workers, or they are looking for people that will work for below minimum wage and can't advertises this fact, or they are using trafficked people that are treated as slaves.

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We should stop trying to slow immigration. We should encourage talented people to come and work here, also we should have more cheap labour.


In order to manufacture and create wealth we need the right people. The indigenous population are, in the main, dependent, idle, thick and fat.They will never work, we should attempt to slow their breeding as they are clearly developing a subspecies.


More immigration that's the answer.


Do you include yourself and your family in that horrible description of the people this country, or do you see yourself as a cut above?

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Do you include yourself and your family in that horrible description of the people this country, or do you see yourself as a cut above?


Probably sees them self as one those pesky immigrants that works much harder than the indigenous population. :D

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No I refer to the underclass or as the Labour party would have it the "socially excluded."


Those who know their rights but not their responsibilities, produce children like popping peas, smoke, drink, have tattooes, are fat. Whinge, complain, feel the world owes them a living.


You know who I mean.

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No I refer to the underclass or as the Labour party would have it the "socially excluded."


Those who know their rights but not their responsibilities, produce children like popping peas, smoke, drink, have tattooes, are fat. Whinge, complain, feel the world owes them a living.


You know who I mean.


What I do know is that underclass, or the numbers of those in long term unemployment or insecure employment grew massively in the 1980s - many in the press call them the "lost generation".


Besides which there are lots of people who get paid a handsome wage where I work who smoke, complain, whinge and have tattoos, and sit on their fat arses and chew the fat. They are called managers

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What I do know is that underclass, or the numbers of those in long term unemployment or insecure employment grew massively in the 1980s - many in the press call them the "lost generation".


Besides which there are lots of people who get paid a handsome wage where I work who smoke, complain, whinge and have tattoos, and sit on their fat arses and chew the fat. They are called managers


Unemployment did indeed increase in the 1980s due to disgraceful over manning largely of privatized industries. This was a byproduct of the Thatcher revolution that took this country from being the "poor man of Europe" to becoming the most progressive economy in the world. The people you mention where never really workers, they were dependent even then, protected by the Unions and the Labour party.


They were indeed the lost generation, its time they found themselves.

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