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Tories commit to "full employment"

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Unemployment did indeed increase in the 1980s due to disgraceful over manning largely of privatized industries. This was a byproduct of the Thatcher revolution that took this country from being the "poor man of Europe" to becoming the most progressive economy in the world. The people you mention where never really workers, they were dependent even then, protected by the Unions and the Labour party.


They were indeed the lost generation, its time they found themselves.


Many of the unemployed of the 80s became the underclass we are currently confronted with. Thatcher put an end to full employment. Labour tried to make up the loss by creating jobs in the public sector positing that paying people to work was better than paying unemployment benefit.


This government put an end to that by culling the public sector jobs, and by transferring many public sector jobs to the private sector (which our taxes still pay for.)


So the Underclass which you describe in such insulting terms is largely the result of Tory policy, and a lack of proper jobs. They deserve our sympathy and help rather than insults.


To describe Miners as 'never really workers' beggars belief.


And, in case you hadn't noticed, this 'glorious' progressive economy Thatcher founded by deregulating the financial markets, collapsed spectacularly in 2008

taking half of Europe with it, from which we have not, and probably will not, recover.

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Unemployment did indeed increase in the 1980s due to disgraceful over manning largely of privatized industries. This was a byproduct of the Thatcher revolution that took this country from being the "poor man of Europe" to becoming the most progressive economy in the world. The people you mention where never really workers, they were dependent even then, protected by the Unions and the Labour party.


They were indeed the lost generation, its time they found themselves.


Another lickspittle post from a Sheffield Forummer who is posting under a new guise. New username, same reactionary cack.


Poor effort - 1.5 out of 10.

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Another lickspittle post from a Sheffield Forummer who is posting under a new guise. New username, same reactionary cack.


Poor effort - 1.5 out of 10.


Brilliantly argued.


If you cant win the argument, abuse, pathetic.


---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 09:45 ----------


Many of the unemployed of the 80s became the underclass we are currently confronted with. Thatcher put an end to full employment. Labour tried to make up the loss by creating jobs in the public sector positing that paying people to work was better than paying unemployment benefit.


This government put an end to that by culling the public sector jobs, and by transferring many public sector jobs to the private sector (which our taxes still pay for.)


So the Underclass which you describe in such insulting terms is largely the result of Tory policy, and a lack of proper jobs. They deserve our sympathy and help rather than insults.


To describe Miners as 'never really workers' beggars belief.




And, in case you hadn't noticed, this 'glorious' progressive economy Thatcher founded by deregulating the financial markets, collapsed spectacularly in 2008

taking half of Europe with it, from which we have not, and probably will not, recover.


Those we now call the underclass (Labourspeak Socially excluded) are the 21st century equivalent of those underworked "employees" of nationalized industries that ruined the country in the 60s and 70s.


Regarding miners, do you not remember St Mondays day? When men were paid for five days production when working only four? Steelworkers, car manufacturers, dockers, idle and corrupt to the point of criminality.


Regarding the 2008 crash, do not attempt to re write history, that crash was caused by a corrupt, criminal, cabal of bankers, auditors, lawyers and a incompetent UK government. A Labour government.

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Brilliantly argued.


If you cant win the argument, abuse, pathetic.


---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 09:45 ----------



Those we now call the underclass (Labourspeak Socially excluded) are the 21st century equivalent of those underworked "employees" of nationalized industries that ruined the country in the 60s and 70s.


Regarding miners, do you not remember St Mondays day? When men were paid for five days production when working only four? Steelworkers, car manufacturers, dockers, idle and corrupt to the point of criminality.


Regarding the 2008 crash, do not attempt to re write history, that crash was caused by a corrupt, criminal, cabal of bankers, auditors, lawyers and a incompetent UK government. A Labour government.


The underclass are victims not the cause of this country's decline.


No, I don't remember 'St Mondays day. But if it was so, why blame the workers and not the management?


Regarding the 2008 crash, I agree. And yet hardly any went to prison for their sins, instead they are still being hugely rewarded, allowed for by an incompetent Conservative Government.

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The underclass are victims not the cause of this country's decline.


No, I don't remember 'St Mondays day. But if it was so, why blame the workers and not the management?


Regarding the 2008 crash, I agree. And yet hardly any went to prison for their sins, instead they are still being hugely rewarded, allowed for by an incompetent Conservative Government.


Your prejudice shows through your argument, Labour good, Conservative bad. The fact is this government under Cameron and Osborne have done more to bring Financial Institutions under control than any has since the second world war, arguably since the depression of the 1930s.


There is some merit in what you about incompetent management of nationalized industries. It was only when American trained managers such as McGregor came to run steel and coal that sanity started to prevail.


I realize you see my comments as strongly opposed to yours. May I state that whilst I disagree I respect you and your forthright espousal of your opinions.


A refreshing change from others who merely abuse and blather. Thank you.

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Interesting article here from 2011 about the same old story:




Because it's a long standing political plan, across all parties and a political point on a political thread, not like your lame name calling of Cameron on the Jesus Buddhist thread, which I guess is why you're trying this.


You forgot to quote the first part of the article


Full employment used to be a much-cherished political mantra. Why does it seem to have disappeared from public debate?


'Used to be' as in, before the election when the Tories got in. It's great that the Tories are now onboard with this long-standing Labour ideal & we have a new political consensus. Just don't pretend it isn't new & surprising.


Looking forward to seeing what policies are going to come out of this huge change of plan.

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We should stop trying to slow immigration. We should encourage talented people to come and work here, also we should have more cheap labour.


In order to manufacture and create wealth we need the right people. The indigenous population are, in the main, dependent, idle, thick and fat.They will never work, we should attempt to slow their breeding as they are clearly developing a subspecies.

More immigration that's the answer.


Your prejudice shows through your argument, Labour good, Conservative bad. The fact is this government under Cameron and Osborne have done more to bring Financial Institutions under control than any has since the second world war, arguably since the depression of the 1930s.


There is some merit in what you about incompetent management of nationalized industries. It was only when American trained managers such as McGregor came to run steel and coal that sanity started to prevail.


I realize you see my comments as strongly opposed to yours. May I state that whilst I disagree I respect you and your forthright espousal of your opinions.


A refreshing change from others who merely abuse and blather. Thank you.


What is a description of the indigenous population as "dependent, idle, thick and fat.They will never work, we should attempt to slow their breeding as they are clearly developing a subspecies" if it is not abuse and blather :huh:

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I must say I found Osborne's full employment statement very odd. Full employment has only ever really been acheived by expansion of the public sector to create new jobs for people, like in the cases of Australia and Japan. America spent 40 years trying to chase the dream of full employment via private industry alone and didn't get anywhere near it.


Which makes you wonder why Osborne has said such a thing. Expanding the public sector to combat unemployment is just about the least Tory thing imaginable, but it's more than that. Like in any market, wage levels are determined by the prices at the margin i.e. what the very cheapest workers are paid. A capitalist ideology therefore depends on a substantial pool of unemployed potential workers, ready to come in and work for that bottom wage (or ideally even lower). Without it, wages increase across the board, companies quickly become unprofitable and relocate overseas to find cheaper labour. So why would Osborne support a thing that could ultimately undermine his Plan A? Well, he wouldn't, so I'm pretty sure the whole thing is just a hollow soundbite.

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I must say I found Osborne's full employment statement very odd. Full employment has only ever really been acheived by expansion of the public sector to create new jobs for people, like in the cases of Australia and Japan. America spent 40 years trying to chase the dream of full employment via private industry alone and didn't get anywhere near it.


Which makes you wonder why Osborne has said such a thing. Expanding the public sector to combat unemployment is just about the least Tory thing imaginable, but it's more than that. Like in any market, wage levels are determined by the prices at the margin i.e. what the very cheapest workers are paid. A capitalist ideology therefore depends on a substantial pool of unemployed potential workers, ready to come in and work for that bottom wage (or ideally even lower). Without it, wages increase across the board, companies quickly become unprofitable and relocate overseas to find cheaper labour. So why would Osborne support a thing that could ultimately undermine his Plan A? Well, he wouldn't, so I'm pretty sure the whole thing is just a hollow soundbite.


Cameron is a remarkable Tory. Gay rights, the most progressive ever. NHS, seems to be a supporter.Banks, the only UK PM to really take them on in living memory.


Perhaps we should stop looking back at "Tories" and look at and celebrate the fact that in Cameron we have a man more intent on doing the country good than living up to old fashioned labels.


---------- Post added 04-04-2014 at 20:45 ----------


What is a description of the indigenous population as "dependent, idle, thick and fat.They will never work, we should attempt to slow their breeding as they are clearly developing a subspecies" if it is not abuse and blather :huh:


It is an entirely accurate description of the "underclass". Shared by the majority of us whose taxes support them. Open your eyes.

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